Welcome to the 7th US depression, Mr. bond market

Looks to me like the lack of noises out of Japan means there won’t be a sufficient fiscal response to restore demand.

If anything, the talk is about how to pay for the rebuilding, with a consumption tax at the top of the list.

That means they aren’t going to inflate.
More likely they are going to further deflate.
Yes, the yen will go down by what looks like a lot, maybe even helped by the MOF, but I doubt it will be enough to inflate.

In fact, all the evidence indicates that Japan doesn’t don’t know how to inflate, nor does anyone else.

Worse, what they all think inflates, more likely actually deflates.

0 rate policies mean deficits can be that much higher without causing ‘inflation’ due to income channels and supply side effects.
There is no such thing as a debt trap springing to life.
Debt monetization is a meaningless expression with non convertible currency and floating fx.
QE mainly serves to further remove precious income from an already income starved economy.

Only excess deficit spending can directly support prices, output, and employment from the demand side, as it directly adds to incomes, spending, and net savings of financial assets.

The international fear mongering surrounding deficits and debt issues is entirely a chicken little story that’s keeping us in this depression (unemployment over 10% the way it was measured when the term was defined) that’s now taking a turn for the worse.

The euro zone is methodically weakening it’s ‘engines of growth’- its own (weaker) members being subjected to austerity measures that are reducing their deficit spending that paid for their imports from Germany. And now China, Japan, the US and others will be cutting imports as well.

UK fiscal austerity measures are accelerating on schedule.

The US is also working to tighten fiscal policy, particularly now that both sides agree that deficit reduction is in order, beaming as they make progress towards agreeing on the cuts.

The US had 6 depressions while on the gold standard, which followed the only 6 periods of budget surpluses.
And now, even with a floating fx policy and non convertible currency that allows for immediate and unlimited fiscal adjustments,
we have allowed the deflationary forces unleashed by the Clinton budget surpluses to result in this 7th depression.

We were muddling through with modest real growth and a far too high output gap and may have continued to do so all else equal.

But all else isn’t equal.

Collective, self inflicted proactive austerity has been working against growth, including China’s ‘fight against inflation.’

And now Japan’s massive disaster will be deflationary shock that, in the absence of a proactive fiscal adjustment, is highly likely to further reduce world demand.

Hopefully, the Saudis capitulate and follow the price of crude lower, easing the burden somewhat on the world’s struggling populations.
If so, watch for a strong dollar as well.

And watch for a lot more global civil unrest as no answers emerge to the mass unemployment that will likely get even worse. Not to mention food prices that may come down some, but will remain very high at the consumer level as we continue to burn up our food supply for motor fuel.

And it’s all only likely to get worse until the world figures out how its monetary system actually works.

EU Daily | Europe’s Bank Signals It May Raise Interest Rates to Tamp Down Inflation

So the ECB,
which is funding the entire euro zone banking system,
and for all practical purposes backstopping the funding of the national govts as well
to keep their funding costs manageable as they struggle with the terms and conditions of the austerity mandates,

That same ECB is now looking to raise rates, a proposal which is already working to increase the funding costs of those national govts.

They must think hiking rates is the tool to use to control the ‘inflation’ they are concerned about?

‘Inflation’ that’s come from tax hikes and relative value shifts in food and energy, as a foreign monopolist hikes crude prices and the burning up of our food supply for fuel hikes food prices?

Rate hikes that shift funds from borrowers, like the national govts they are supporting, to rentiers who will be getting the pay increase from higher rates?

And rising interest rates will require more austerity measures to offset the increased interest expense?

Yes, they also believe ‘inflation’ comes from elevated ‘inflation expectations’ but even that channel of causation, as far fetched as it is, has to be confused by the large output gap and general weakness of aggregate demand? Higher interest rates will somehow cause trade unions to soften demand for pay increases so their members can afford to eat?

Seems it goes back to the old Bundesbank dynamic, where the CB would threaten politically distasteful rate hikes if the govt didn’t tighten fiscal?

Well, today the ECB is already controlling fiscal, so it’s all moot.

But the old reflexes are still there.

Somewhat the like the old reflex with regard to export driven growth, but without the ideological option of buying dollars previously discussed.

So putting it all together, they have the export driven policy reflex without the dollar buying that’s undermining itself by driving the euro higher, working to limit demand from exports,
as the ECB both funds the financial structure and imposes austerity which is working against domestic demand.

And the rate hike reflex which won’t alter the price pressures from food, energy, and taxes.

And no telling what they may do next.
With their levels of unemployment, food price increases, and a general feeling that there are no ideas from on high to get them out of this mess, and large pools of newly arrived immigrants getting hurt them most, civil unrest is not impossible?

Maybe recognize that Europe is nothing more than a poorly managed theme park, and get a Disney exec to run it?

German Two-Year Yields Climb to Two-Year High on ECB Rate Bets

By Emma Charlton and Keith Jenkins

March 4 (Bloomberg) — German two-year government notes rose while their Greek equivalents fell, on concern higher borrowing costs may hamper the region’s most indebted countries, spurring demand for the euro zone’s safer assets.

Greece’s two-year yields reached the highest since May 10, the first trading day after the European Union and the international Monetary Fund announced the creation of a bailout fund to backstop the euro. European Central Bank President Jean- Claude Trichet said yesterday it’s “possible” that rates will rise at the central bank’s April meeting. His comments drove the German two-year yield up 23 basis points yesterday, the biggest increase since January 2009.

“There are some questions being asked about what tighter policy does for wider Europe, so that’s helping the bid toward core product,” said Eric Wand, a rates strategist at Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets in London. “Trichet was pretty clear that there would be a hike come April, so that’s going to underpin the German front-end going forward.”

The two-year note yield was two basis points lower at 1.76 percent as of 10:56 a.m. in London after reaching 1.84 percent, the highest since December 2008, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The 1.5 percent security due March 2013 rose 0.035, or 35 euro cents per 1,000-euro ($1,387) face amount, to 99.49. The yield on German 10-year bunds, Europe’s benchmark government debt securities, was one basis point lower at 3.32 percent.

March 25 Deadline

Trichet will speak alongside governing council members including Mario Draghi and Christian Noyer at a Banque de France conference in Paris today. The ECB’s anti-inflation stance comes as European Union leaders approach a March 25 deadline for a reinforced plan to aid debt-strapped countries.

Greece’s two-year yields surged 24 basis points to 15.16 percent. The yield difference between German 2-year notes and Greek securities of a similar maturity was 13.41 percentage points, the widest since May 7, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Ten-year bunds were higher before a U.S. labor market report that is forecast to show employers added 196,000 workers last month, after a 36,000 gain in January, according to the median forecast of 84 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News. The report may also show the jobless rate increased to 9.1 percent from 9 percent.

“Right in front of payrolls data, people aren’t going to want to set too much risk on their books,” Wand said.

German-U.S. Spread

The yield difference, or spread, between German two-year notes and U.S. securities of the same maturity, narrowed four basis points to 98 basis points. It reached 103 basis points yesterday, the highest since Dec. 30, 2008, as traders added to bets that the European Central Bank will raise borrowing costs before the Federal Reserve.

The Frankfurt-based central bank, which left its key rate at a record low of 1 percent yesterday, is concerned about so- called second-round inflation effects, when companies raise prices and workers demand more pay to compensate for soaring energy and food costs, Trichet said. Euro-area inflation accelerated to 2.4 percent last month.

Euribor futures fell, pushing the implied yield on the contract expiring in December 2011 up two basis points to 2.18 percent. Earlier it rose to 2.215 percent, matching the highest since Feb. 22, 2010, as investors added to bets that the ECB will increase borrowing costs.

Forward contracts on the euro overnight index average, or Eonia, signal investors think the ECB will increase the key rate 25 basis points by its July meeting, Deutsche Bank AG data shows.

central bankers comment on QE

Recent statements regarding QE show at least some key Central Bankers have it right:

Don Kohn (Former FRB Vice Chair):”I know of no model that shows a transmission from bank reserves to inflation”.

Vitor Constancio (ECB Vice President): “The level of bank reserves hardly figures in banks lending decisions; the supply of credit outstanding is determined by banks’ perceptions of risk/reward trade-offs and demand for credit”.

Charlie Bean (Deputy Governor BOE): in response to a question about the famous Milton Friedman quote “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon”: “Inflation is not always and everywhere a monetary base phenomenon”:

China raises bank reserve to curb lending

While this doesn’t actually work to curb lending, it does indicate that China continues to see inflation as a severe enough of a political problem to risk a serious slowdown. And while it’s not impossible, I’ve yet to see any nation succeed in cutting what they call inflation short of increasing their output gap- and most often with a dramatic slowdown.

So while the 9% of GDP US budget deficit continues to support modest GDP growth and only very modestly increasing employment, a combination that’s a pretty good environment for stocks, the risks outlined at year end continue to increase.

China continues to fight inflation which can soften thing sufficiently for a commodities retreat. The euro zone continues its austerity and is already showing sings of weakening domestic demand from levels that weren’t all that high. The US Congress continues to press for deficit reduction well before private sector credit growth is ready to take the hand off, and with all sides agreeing there’s a long term deficit problem there doesn’t seem to be much resistance.

It’s all deflationary, and I continue to watch for a strong dollar as a timing/cue to the potential global slowdown.
So far world crude prices hovering at just over $100/barrel are keeping the dollar in check, but doing so by bleeding off some US domestic demand.

China raises bank reserve to curb lending

February 18 (CNBC) — China ordered its banks Friday to hold back more money as reserves in a new move to curb lending and cool a spike in inflation.

The order raising reserves by 0.5 percent of deposits was the second such move this year by the central bank and followed six reserve increases in 2010. Reserves vary by institution but are about 20 percent for China’s biggest state-owned lenders.

Beijing is using a series of repeated, gradual hikes in interest rates and reserve levels to stanch a flood of lending that helped China rebound quickly from the global crisis but now is fueling pressure for prices to rise.

Inflation is politically dangerous for China’s communist leaders because it erodes economic gains on which they base their claim to power. Poor families are hit hardest in a society where some spend up to half their incomes on food and millions have seen little benefit from three decades of economic reform.

China Central Bank says Fed easing ineffective, dangerous

I suspect they know better but continue to play us for the fools we have proven to be.

Fortunately they want to net export…

China c.bank says Fed easing ineffective, dangerous

January 30 (IBTimes) — Quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve and other central banks cannot address fundamental economic problems but may lead to excessive global liquidity and competitive currency depreciation,China’s central bank said on Sunday.

In its monetary policy report for the final quarter of 2010, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) also confirmed that it would target 16 percent growth of the broad M2 measure of money supply this year, down from the 19.9 pct growth recorded at the end of 2010.

The central bank said the Fed’s monetary easing was pushing up international commodity prices and asset prices in emerging markets, including China.

“Quantitative easing policy cannot fundamentally address economic problems, and it may cause excessive liquidity on a global scale as well as risks of competitive currency depreciation,” the Chinese central bank said in its 59-page report.

“It is creating imported inflation and short-term capital inflows, pressuring emerging markets,” it said.

As a result, China needed to work hard to soak up liquidity from foreign exchange inflows in order to minimize the impact on the domestic economy, it added.

The central bank reiterated that it would keep the yuan CNY=CFXS basically stable while making the exchange rate regime more flexible.

The central bank said it would continue to use different tools, including interest rates, bank reserve requirements and open-market operations, to rein in money supply and bank credit growth as a way of handling inflationary pressure.

Gross misrepresentations

My comments following Bill Gross’s comments:

I don’t know if the U.S. has reached a desperate point, but it is employing instruments and vehicles and policies that smack of desperation.

He fails to see the function of federal taxes is to regulate aggregate demand, and not to raise revenue per se.

We are not looking at a default here, but at years of accelerating inflation, which basically robs investors and labor of their real wages and earnings.

Apart from the possibility that he’s wrong, and that there will be no accelerating deflation, inflation per se does not make a nation poorer, and does not necessarily reduce real wages and earnings. In fact, real wages could very well be made to increase during an inflationary period. It’s all about policy responses and institutional structure. And as for investors, some will do well and some will do poorly, which most don’t consider an injustice.

We are looking at a currency that almost certainly will depreciate relative to other, stronger currencies in developing countries that have lower levels of debt and higher growth potential.

Maybe and maybe not on both scores.

The dollar may not depreciate.

And lower levels of public debt and higher growth potential do not necessarily mean a currency will appreciate.

For example, Japan has had perhaps the least growth potential and one of the strongest currencies for quite a while, and China has had a policy of keeping its currency weak which has been credited with fostering high growth, etc.

And, on the short end of the yield curve, we are looking at creditors receiving negative real interest rates for a long, long time. That, in effect, is a default.

No, it’s a policy option.

A default is a promise broken.

And there is no national promise by any nation to provide a real return to savers at the short end of the curve.

Ultimately creditors and investors are at the behest of a central bank and policymakers that will rob them of their money.

That’s a serious and groundless accusation of motivation of the Fed.
Robbing implies dishonesty and involuntary confiscation.

However no one is forced by the Fed or anyone else to hold dollars in money market accounts, investors buy securities with known nominal interest rates, and for all practical purposes investors know much the same information regarding inflation as the Fed does.

So when William Gross uses the word ‘rob’ he’s implying the Fed is deliberately publishing false inflation forecasts to trick investors into buying US govt securities at rates lower than if they knew the Fed’s actual inflation forecasts.

I suggest an immediate apology is in order for this groundless, inappropriate, and insulting remark.

Irish Central Bank printing money?

>   (email exchange)
>   On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 12:34 PM, qrote:
>   Had you heard about this?

Central Bank steps up its cash support to Irish banks financed by institution printing own money

Yes and no:

“A spokesman for the ECB said the Irish Central Bank is itself creating the money it is lending to banks, not borrowing cash from the ECB to fund the payments. The ECB spokesman said the Irish Central Bank can create its own funds if it deems it appropriate, as long as the ECB is notified.”

My understanding is that rather than keep all the member bank accounts themselves, the ECB utilizes the existing member nation Central Banks as their designated agents for transactions purposes.

So the member banks in the euro zone have their clearing accounts with their national banks.

That means funding for the member banks comes via credits to their accounts at their local central bank, and it’s the personnel at those local central banks, like the Irish Central Bank, who enter the actual debits and credits for the member bank accounts.

In the case the ‘money that’s being created’ is describing secured lending to the member banks as per ECB policy and directive, with the Irish Central Bank making the actual debits and credits to the Irish commercial bank accounts on their books.

It’s somewhat like the US where the NY Fed, for example, keeps the books for it’s member banks.

Fed Turns Over Record $78.4 Billion Profit to Treasury

And not even a hint they removed even more than that much interest income from the private sector.

(the $78.4 billion is after expenses)

Fed Turns Over Record $78.4 Billion Profit to Treasury

By: Reuters

The Federal Reserve reported Monday its earnings jumped by more than 50 percent in 2010 to a record $80.9 billion on its massive holdings of securities, and it is turning the bulk of it over to the U.S. Treasury Department.

The $78.4 billion that the Fed is remitting to Treasury is also a record and is $31 billion more than a year earlier. In 2009 the Fed had net income of $53.4 billion.

The Fed’s portfolio has ballooned to $2.16 trillion, roughly triple its size before the financial crisis, as it purchased securities including U.S. government debt and mortgage-linked bonds in a move to drive down borrowing costs and stimulate the economy.

“The increase was due primarily to increased interest income earned on securities holdings during 2010,” the U.S. central bank said in releasing preliminary unaudited results.

Audited results will be issued in the spring and may show some changes, Fed officials indicated.

After driving overnight interest rates close to zero percent in December 2008, the Fed bought $1.7 trillion of longer-term Treasury and mortgage-related bonds as a supplement to its pledge to keep overnight rates near zero for a long time.

It followed that up late last year with a new $600 billion bond-buying program — again intended to spur growth by pumping liquidity into the economy. That program ends at mid-year.

The Fed turns over profits to the Treasury annually and has never posted a loss. But the central bank took a number of extraordinary actions during and after the 2007-2009 financial crisis that critics say may have left it with some poor-quality holdings.

Doubts on All Sides

Critics fault the Fed on several scores, with some claiming its actions have sown the seeds for a potential flare-up in inflation and others saying it has put the central bank at risk of destabilizing losses when it sells down its holdings.

If credit losses were to pile up, those criticisms could mount.

In addition, some foreign governments have charged that the Fed’s easy money policies could weaken the dollar and spark a round of competitive currency devaluations.

Fed officials who briefed reporters said asset sales would be part of a so-called “exit strategy” from loose monetary policy, but only once the economy was on a sound footing. That means sales of the securities may be some way down the road, they added.

A Fed official said that if the central bank had to make sales and take some losses, it could always scale back the amount it remits to the Treasury. But there is no mechanism in place for it to get past remittances returned by the Treasury.

In testimony to Congress on Friday, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke gave no sign the Fed was ready start scaling back its bond purchase program.

Nor did the Fed chief give any hints about further buying beyond the June deadline for the $600 billion program.

The Fed said its 2010 income included $76.2 billion in income on securities bought through open market operations, including Treasury and mortgage-linked debt, $7.1 billion from limited liability companies created in response to the financial crisis, $2.1 billion in interest income from credit extended to American International Group and $1.3 billion of dividends on preferred interests in AIA Aurora and ALICO Holdings.

Bernanke testimony

The Economic Outlook and Monetary and Fiscal Policy

Chairman Ben S. Bernanke

Before the Committee on the Budget, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.

January 7, 2011

Chairman Conrad, Senator Sessions, and other members of the Committee, thank you for this opportunity to offer my views on current economic conditions, recent monetary policy actions, and issues related to the federal budget.

The Economic Outlook
The economic recovery that began a year and a half ago is continuing, although, to date, at a pace that has been insufficient to reduce the rate of unemployment significantly.1 The initial stages of the recovery, in the second half of 2009 and in early 2010, were largely attributable to the stabilization of the financial system, expansionary monetary and fiscal policies, and a powerful inventory cycle. Growth slowed somewhat this past spring as the impetus from fiscal policy and inventory building waned and as European sovereign debt problems led to increased volatility in financial markets.

More recently, however, we have seen increased evidence that a self-sustaining recovery in consumer and business spending may be taking hold. In particular, real consumer spending rose at an annual rate of 2-1/2 percent in the third quarter of 2010, and the available indicators suggest that it likely expanded at a somewhat faster pace in the fourth quarter. Business investment in new equipment and software has grown robustly in recent quarters, albeit from a fairly low level, as firms replaced aging equipment and made investments that had been delayed during the downturn. However, the housing sector remains depressed, as the overhang of vacant houses continues to weigh heavily on both home prices and construction, and nonresidential construction is also quite weak. Overall, the pace of economic recovery seems likely to be moderately stronger in 2011 than it was in 2010.

Although recent indicators of spending and production have generally been encouraging, conditions in the labor market have improved only modestly at best. After the loss of nearly 8-1/2 million jobs in 2008 and 2009, private payrolls expanded at an average of only about 100,000 per month in 2010–a pace barely enough to accommodate the normal increase in the labor force and, therefore, insufficient to materially reduce the unemployment rate.2 On a more positive note, a number of indicators of job openings and hiring plans have looked stronger in recent months, and initial claims for unemployment insurance declined through November and December. Notwithstanding these hopeful signs, with output growth likely to be moderate in the next few quarters and employers reportedly still reluctant to add to payrolls, considerable time likely will be required before the unemployment rate has returned to a more normal level. Persistently high unemployment, by damping household income and confidence, could threaten the strength and sustainability of the recovery. Moreover, roughly 40 percent of the unemployed have been out of work for six months or more. Long-term unemployment not only imposes exceptional hardships on the jobless and their families, but it also erodes the skills of those workers and may inflict lasting damage on their employment and earnings prospects.

A very ‘dovish’ assessment of this leg of the dual mandate, indicating the low rate policy will continue.

Recent data show consumer price inflation continuing to trend downward. For the 12 months ending in November, prices for personal consumption expenditures rose 1.0 percent, and inflation excluding the relatively volatile food and energy components–which tends to be a better gauge of underlying inflation trends–was only 0.8 percent, down from 1.7 percent a year earlier and from about 2-1/2 percent in 2007, the year before the recession began. The downward trend in inflation over the past few years is no surprise, given the low rates of resource utilization that have prevailed over that time. Indeed, as a result of the weak job market, wage growth has slowed along with inflation; over the 12 months ending in November, average hourly earnings have risen only 1.6 percent. Despite the decline in inflation, long-run inflation expectations have remained stable; for example, the rate of inflation that households expect over the next 5 to 10 years, as measured by the Thompson Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers, has remained in a narrow range over the past few years. With inflation expectations stable, and with levels of resource utilization expected to remain low, inflation is likely to be subdued for some time.

A very dovish assessment of the inflation mandate as well, which he links to the output gap and inflation expectations.

Monetary Policy
Although it is likely that economic growth will pick up this year and that the unemployment rate will decline somewhat, progress toward the Federal Reserve’s statutory objectives of maximum employment and stable prices is expected to remain slow. The projections submitted by Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) participants in November showed that, notwithstanding forecasts of increased growth in 2011 and 2012, most participants expected the unemployment rate to be close to 8 percent two years from now. At this rate of improvement, it could take four to five more years for the job market to normalize fully.

FOMC participants also projected inflation to be at historically low levels for some time. Very low rates of inflation raise several concerns: First, very low inflation increases the risk that new adverse shocks could push the economy into deflation, that is, a situation involving ongoing declines in prices. Experience shows that deflation induced by economic slack can lead to extended periods of poor economic performance; indeed, even a significant perceived risk of deflation may lead firms to be more cautious about investment and hiring. Second, with short-term nominal interest rates already close to zero, declines in actual and expected inflation increase, respectively, both the real cost of servicing existing debt and the expected real cost of new borrowing. By raising effective debt burdens and by inhibiting new household spending and business investment, higher real borrowing costs create a further drag on growth. Finally, it is important to recognize that periods of very low inflation generally involve very slow growth in nominal wages and incomes as well as in prices. (I have already alluded to the recent deceleration in average hourly earnings.) Thus, in circumstances like those we face now, very low inflation or deflation does not necessarily imply any increase in household purchasing power. Rather, because of the associated deterioration in economic performance, very low inflation or deflation arising from economic slack is generally linked with reductions rather than gains in living standards.

It doesn’t get any more dovish than that.

In a situation in which unemployment is high and expected to remain so and inflation is unusually low, the FOMC would normally respond by reducing its target for the federal funds rate. However, the Federal Reserve’s target for the federal funds rate has been close to zero since December 2008, leaving essentially no scope for further reductions. Consequently, for the past two years the FOMC has been using alternative tools to provide additional monetary accommodation. Notably, between December 2008 and March 2010, the FOMC purchased about $1.7 trillion in longer-term Treasury and agency-backed securities in the open market. The proceeds of these purchases ultimately find their way into the banking system, with the result that depository institutions now hold a high level of reserve balances with the Federal Reserve.

Although longer-term securities purchases are a different tool for conducting monetary policy than the more familiar approach of managing the overnight interest rate, the goals and transmission mechanisms of the two approaches are similar. Conventional monetary policy works by changing market expectations for the future path of short-term interest rates, which, in turn, influences the current level of longer-term interest rates and other financial conditions. These changes in financial conditions then affect household and business spending. By contrast, securities purchases by the Federal Reserve put downward pressure directly on longer-term interest rates by reducing the stock of longer-term securities held by private investors.3 These actions affect private-sector spending through the same channels as conventional monetary policy. In particular, the Federal Reserve’s earlier program of asset purchases appeared to be successful in influencing longer-term interest rates, raising the prices of equities and other assets, and improving credit conditions more broadly, thereby helping stabilize the economy and support the recovery.

Reads like he’s finally got it right, and that it’s about price not quantity.

In light of this experience, and with the economic outlook still unsatisfactory, late last summer the FOMC began to signal to financial markets that it was considering providing additional monetary policy accommodation by conducting further asset purchases. At its meeting in early November, the FOMC formally announced its intention to purchase an additional $600 billion in Treasury securities by the end of the second quarter of 2011, about one-third of the value of securities purchased in its earlier programs. The FOMC also maintained its policy, adopted at its August meeting, of reinvesting principal received on the Federal Reserve’s holdings of securities.

The FOMC stated that it will review its asset purchase program regularly in light of incoming information and will adjust the program as needed to meet its objectives. Importantly, the Committee remains unwaveringly committed to price stability and, in particular, to maintaining inflation at a level consistent with the Federal Reserve’s mandate from the Congress.4 In that regard, it bears emphasizing that the Federal Reserve has all the tools it needs to ensure that it will be able to smoothly and effectively exit from this program at the appropriate time. Importantly, the Federal Reserve’s ability to pay interest on reserve balances held at the Federal Reserve Banks will allow it to put upward pressure on short-term market interest rates and thus to tighten monetary policy when needed, even if bank reserves remain high. Moreover, the Fed has invested considerable effort in developing methods to drain or immobilize bank reserves as needed to facilitate the smooth withdrawal of policy accommodation when conditions warrant. If necessary, the Committee could also tighten policy by redeeming or selling securities on the open market.

More evidence he’s finally got it right.

As I am appearing before the Budget Committee, it is worth emphasizing that the Fed’s purchases of longer-term securities are not comparable to ordinary government spending. In executing these transactions, the Federal Reserve acquires financial assets, not goods and services.

And he’s taken to heart some good coaching from his Monetary Affairs executives on this as well.

Ultimately, at the appropriate time, the Federal Reserve will normalize its balance sheet by selling these assets back into the market or by allowing them to mature. In the interim, the interest that the Federal Reserve earns from its securities holdings adds to the Fed’s remittances to the Treasury; in 2009 and 2010, those remittances totaled about $120 billion.

No mention that functions much like a tax, removing that much income from the non govt. sectors.

Fiscal Policy
Fiscal policymakers also face a challenging policy environment. Our nation’s fiscal position has deteriorated appreciably since the onset of the financial crisis and the recession. To a significant extent, this deterioration is the result of the effects of the weak economy on revenues and outlays, along with the actions that were taken to ease the recession and steady financial markets. In their planning for the near term, fiscal policymakers will need to continue to take into account the low level of economic activity and the still-fragile nature of the economic recovery.

Substitute ‘adjusted’ for deteriorated and it’s something I perhaps could have said. And the last sentence opens the door for further fiscal adjustment. But then it all goes bad:

However, an important part of the federal budget deficit appears to be structural rather than cyclical; that is, the deficit is expected to remain unsustainably elevated even after economic conditions have returned to normal. For example, under the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) so-called alternative fiscal scenario, which assumes that most of the tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 are made permanent and that discretionary spending rises at the same rate as the gross domestic product (GDP), the deficit is projected to fall from its current level of about 9 percent of GDP to 5 percent of GDP by 2015, but then to rise to about 6-1/2 percent of GDP by the end of the decade. In subsequent years, the budget outlook is projected to deteriorate even more rapidly, as the aging of the population and continued growth in health spending boost federal outlays on entitlement programs. Under this scenario, federal debt held by the public is projected to reach 185 percent of the GDP by 2035, up from about 60 percent at the end of fiscal year 2010.

The CBO projections, by design, ignore the adverse effects that such high debt and deficits would likely have on our economy. But if government debt and deficits were actually to grow at the pace envisioned in this scenario, the economic and financial effects would be severe. Diminishing confidence on the part of investors that deficits will be brought under control would likely lead to sharply rising interest rates on government debt and, potentially, to broader financial turmoil. Moreover, high rates of government borrowing would both drain funds away from private capital formation and increase our foreign indebtedness, with adverse long-run effects on U.S. output, incomes, and standards of living.

It is widely understood that the federal government is on an unsustainable fiscal path. Yet, as a nation, we have done little to address this critical threat to our economy. Doing nothing will not be an option indefinitely; the longer we wait to act, the greater the risks and the more wrenching the inevitable changes to the budget will be. By contrast, the prompt adoption of a credible program to reduce future deficits would not only enhance economic growth and stability in the long run, but could also yield substantial near-term benefits in terms of lower long-term interest rates and increased consumer and business confidence. Plans recently put forward by the President’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform and other prominent groups provide useful starting points for a much-needed national conversation about our medium- and long-term fiscal situation. Although these various proposals differ on many details, each gives a sobering perspective on the size of the problem and offers some potential solutions.

This is absolute garbage from the good Princeton professor.

With this testimony he continues to share the blame for the enlarged output gap.

Because he fears we could be the next Greece, he remains part of the process that is turning us into the next Japan.

Of course, economic growth is affected not only by the levels of taxes and spending, but also by their composition and structure. I hope that, in addressing our long-term fiscal challenges, the Congress will seek reforms to the government’s tax policies and spending priorities that serve not only to reduce the deficit but also to enhance the long-term growth potential of our economy–for example, by encouraging investment in physical and human capital, by promoting research and development, by providing necessary public infrastructure, and by reducing disincentives to work and to save. We cannot grow out of our fiscal imbalances, but a more productive economy would ease the tradeoffs that we face.

China’s Central Bank Says Inflation a Priority, Gold Output May Be More Than 340 Tons

China Headlines:
China’s Central Bank Says Inflation a Priority

Never yet seen anyone ‘cure’ inflation without increasing their output gap (recession)

China 2010 Gold Output May Be More Than 340 Tons

And at current prices, I’d guess it isn’t safe to walk the streets with gold in your teeth.

The way markets work is that price increases continuously adjust the market cap (total available gold x the price) to indifference levels.

If we’ve reached those indifference levels and the higher prices are brining out new supply (with a lag) the result is a downward adjustment.

And at least part of that demand came from misguided notions of qe2 which are gradually reversing.

China Expanded About 10% in 2010, Vice Premier Says

A deceleration that hasn’t yet cured their (political) inflation problem.

China’s Money Rate Poised for Biggest Weekly Drop Since 2007
China to Crack Down on ‘Hot Money’ Inflows, SAFE Says

And they remain torn between the desire of their exporters for a weaker and low domestic wages, and the political necessity for lower ‘inflation’ which they think might come from a stronger currency.

In any case the domestic inflation works to weaken the currency longer term, so it may prove moot.