2009-03-03 USER

[Skip to the end]

ICSC UBS Store Sales WoW (Mar 3)

Survey n/a
Actual -0.6%
Prior 0.6%
Revised n/a


ICSC UBS Store Sales YoY (Mar 3)

Survey n/a
Actual -0.8%
Prior -0.8%
Revised n/a


Redbook Store Sales MoM (Mar 3)

Survey n/a
Actual 0.8%
Prior 0.9%
Revised n/a


Redbook Store Sales MoM (Mar 3)

Survey n/a
Actual -1.9%
Prior -1.5%
Revised n/a

Redbook up two weeks in a row?


ICSC UBS Redbook Comparison TABLE (Mar 3)


Pending Home Sales MoM (Jan)

Survey -3.5%
Actual -7.7%
Prior 6.3%
Revised 4.8%


Pending Home Sales YoY (Jan)

Survey n/a
Actual -6.6%
Prior 5.7%
Revised n/a


2009-03-02 USER

[Skip to the end]

Personal Income MoM (Jan)

Survey -0.2%
Actual 0.4%
Prior -0.2%
Revised n/a


Personal Income YoY (Jan)

Survey n/a
Actual 1.9%
Prior 1.6%
Revised n/a


Personal Income ALLX (Jan)


Personal Spending (Jan)

Survey 0.4%
Actual 0.6%
Prior -1.0%
Revised n/a


PCE Deflator YoY (Jan)

Survey 0.5%
Actual 0.7%
Prior 0.6%
Revised 0.8%


PCE Core MoM (Jan)

Survey 0.1%
Actual 0.1%
Prior 0.0%
Revised n/a


PCE Core YoY (Jan)

Survey 1.6%
Actual 1.6%
Prior 1.7%
Revised n/a


ISM Manufacturing (Feb)

Survey 33.8
Actual 35.8
Prior 35.6
Revised n/a


ISM Prices Paid (Feb)

Survey 33.5
Actual 35.8
Prior 35.6
Revised n/a


Construction Spending MoM (Jan)

Survey -1.5%
Actual -3.3%
Prior -1.4%
Revised -2.4%


Construction Spending YoY (Jan)

Survey n/a
Actual -9.1%
Prior -6.7%
Revised n/a


2009-02-27 USER

[Skip to the end]

GDP QoQ Annualized (4Q P)

Survey -5.4%
Actual -6.2%
Prior -3.8%
Revised n/a


GDP YoY Annualized Real (4Q P)

Survey n/a
Actual -0.8%
Prior 0.7%
Revised n/a


GDP YoY Annualized Nominal (4Q P)

Survey n/a
Actual 1.2%
Prior 3.3%
Revised n/a


GDP Price Index (4Q)

Survey -0.1%
Actual 0.5%
Prior -0.1%
Revised n/a


Core PCE QoQ (4Q)

Survey 0.6%
Actual 0.8%
Prior 0.6%
Revised n/a




Personal Consumption (4Q)

Survey -3.7%
Actual -4.3%
Prior -3.5%
Revised n/a


Chicago Purchasing Manager (Feb)

Survey 33.0
Actual 34.2
Prior 33.3
Revised n/a


NAPM Milwaukee (Feb)

Survey 32.0
Actual 29.0
Prior 33.0
Revised n/a


U of Michigan Confidence (Feb F)

Survey 56.0
Actual 56.3
Prior 56.2
Revised n/a


U of Michigan TABLE Inflation Expectations (Feb F)


2009-02-26 USER

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Durable Goods Orders (Jan)

Survey -2.5%
Actual -5.2%
Prior -2.6%
Revised -4.6%

Karim writes:

  • -5.2% m/m; December revised from -2.6% to -4.6%
  • Ex-aircraft and defense -5.4% m/m and -34.4% last 3mths at an annualized rate


Durable Goods Orders YoY (Jan)

Survey n/a
Actual -26.4%
Prior -20.1%
Revised n/a


Durables Ex Defense MoM (Jan)

Survey n/a
Actual -2.3%
Prior -7.5%
Revised n/a


Durables Ex Transportation MoM (Jan)

Survey -2.2%
Actual -2.5%
Prior -3.6%
Revised -5.5%


Durable Goods ALLX (Jan)


Initial Jobless Claims (Feb 21)

Survey 625K
Actual 667K
Prior 627K
Revised 631K

Karim writes:

  • Initial claims up 36k to new cycle high of 667k
  • Continuing claims up another 14k to new cycle high of 5112k


Continuing Claims (Feb 14)

Survey 5025K
Actual 5112K
Prior 4987K
Revised 4998K


Jobless Claims ALLX (Feb 21)


New Home Sales (Jan)

Survey 324K
Actual 309K
Prior 331K
Revised 344K


New Home Sales Total for Sale (Jan)

Survey n/a
Actual 342.00
Prior 353.00
Revised n/a


New Home Sales MoM (Jan)

Survey -21.%
Actual -10.2%
Prior -14.7%
Revised -9.5%


New Home Sales YoY (Jan)

Survey n/a
Actual -48.2%
Prior -42.7%
Revised n/a


New Home Sales Median Price (Jan)

Survey n/a
Actual 201.10
Prior 223.20
Revised n/a


New Home Sales TABLE 1 (Jan)


New Home Sales TABLE 2 (Jan)


2009-02-25 USER

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MBA Mortgage Applications (Feb 20)

Survey n/a
Actual -15.1%
Prior 45.7%
Revised n/a


MBA Purchasing Applications (Feb 20)

Survey n/a
Actual 250.50
Prior 257.30
Revised n/a


MBA Refinancing Applications (Feb 20)

Survey n/a
Actual 3618.00
Prior 4472.90
Revised n/a


Existing Home Sales (Jan)

Survey 4.79M
Actual 4.49M
Prior 4.74M
Revised n/a


Existing Home Sales MoM (Jan)

Survey 1.1%
Actual -5.3%
Prior 6.5%
Revised 4.4%


Existing Home Sales YoY (Jan)

Survey n/a
Actual -8.6%
Prior -4.8%
Revised n/a


Existing Home Sales Inventory (Jan)

Survey n/a
Actual 3.600
Prior 3.700
Revised n/a

Foreclosure sales peaked?


Existing Home Sales ALLX 1 (Jan)


Existing Home Sales ALLX 2 (Jan)


2009-02-24 USER

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ICSC UBS Store Sales WoW (Feb 24)

Survey n/a
Actual 0.60%
Prior 0.90%
Revised n/a


ICSC UBS Store Sales YoY (Feb 24)

Survey n/a
Actual -0.80%
Prior -0.90%
Revised n/a


Redbook Store Sales Weekly YoY (Feb 24)

Survey n/a
Actual -1.50%
Prior -1.40%
Revised n/a


Redbook Store Sales MoM (Feb 24)

Survey n/a
Actual 0.90%
Prior 0.90%
Revised n/a


ICSC UBS Redbook Comparison TABLE (Feb 24)


S&P Case Shiller Home Price Index (Dec)

Survey n/a
Actual 150.66
Prior 154.59
Revised 154.55


S&P CS Composite 20 YoY (Dec)

Survey -18.30%
Actual -18.55%
Prior -18.18%
Revised -18.20%


S&P Case Shiller US Home Price Index (4Q)

Survey n/a
Actual 139.14
Prior 150.04
Revised 150.00


S&P Case Shiller US Home Price Index YoY (4Q)

Survey -17.20%
Actual -18.23%
Prior -16.60%
Revised -16.55%


Consumer Confidence (Feb)

Survey 35.0
Actual 25.0
Prior 37.7
Revised 37.4


Consumer Confidence ALLX 1 (Feb)


Consumer Confidence ALLX 2 (Feb)


House Price Index MoM (Dec)

Survey -1.7%
Actual 0.1%
Prior -1.8%
Revised -2.0%


House Price Index YoY (Dec)

Survey n/a
Actual -8.7%
Prior -7.6%
Revised n/a


House Price Index ALLX (Dec)


House Price Purchase Index QoQ (4Q)

Survey -2.0%
Actual -3.4%
Prior -1.8%
Revised -2.0%


Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index (Feb)

Survey -49
Actual -51
Prior -49
Revised n/a


Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index ALLX (Feb)


2009-02-20 USER

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Consumer Price Index MoM (Jan)

Survey 0.3%
Actual 0.3%
Prior -0.7%
Revised -0.8%

Karim writes:

CPI boosted by OER and tobacco.

  • m/m .282% headline and .177% core; y/y 0.0% headline and 1.7% core
  • Mthly data boosted by OER (up 0.3%)-likely reflects decline in fuel/utility prices in recent months (which boosts ‘owners equivalent rent’)
  • Mirroring PPI yesterday, tobacco prices up 0.8%
  • Core PCE, which has less weight in housing, has been negative for 3mths in a row. On y/y basis, core inflation likely headed to 1% by mid-year (headline inflation may decline by -1% y/y by mid-year before converging to core in H2).


CPI Ex Food and Energy MoM (Jan)

Survey 0.1%
Actual 0.2%
Prior 0.0%
Revised n/a


Consumer Price Index YoY (Jan)

Survey -0.1%
Actual 0.0%
Prior 0.1%
Revised n/a


CPI Ex Food and Energy YoY (Jan)

Survey 1.5%
Actual 1.7%
Prior 1.8%
Revised n/a


Consumer Price Index NSA (Jan)

Survey 211.081
Actual 211.143
Prior 210.228
Revised n/a


CPI Core Index SA (Jan)

Survey n/a
Actual 217.265
Prior 216.816
Revised 216.882


Consumer Price Index TABLE 1 (Jan)


Consumer Price Index TABLE 2 (Jan)


Consumer Price Index TABLE 3 (Jan)


2009-02-19 USER

[Skip to the end]

Producer Price Index MoM (Jan)

Survey 0.3%
Actual 0.8%
Prior -1.9%
Revised n/a

Karim writes:

  • PPI up 0.8% and 0.4% core; core boosted by some annual one-offs (prescriptions at 1.1% and tobacco at 0.6%)
  • Pipeline pressures continue to decline; intermediate -0.7% and core intermediate -1.1%; crude -2.9% and core crude 0.1%


PPI Ex Food and Energy MoM (Jan)

Survey 0.1%
Actual 0.4%
Prior 0.2%
Revised n/a


Producer Price Index YoY (Jan)

Survey -2.4%
Actual -1.0%
Prior -0.9%
Revised n/a


PPI Ex Food and Energy YoY (Jan)

Survey 3.8%
Actual 4.2%
Prior 4.3%
Revised n/a


Initial Jobless Claims (Feb 14)

Survey 620K
Actual 627K
Prior 623K
Revised 627K

Karim writes:

  • Initial claims remain unch at 627k (prior week revised up 4k)
  • Continuing claims up 170k to new cycle high


Continuing Claims (Feb 7)

Survey 4830K
Actual 4987K
Prior 4810K
Revised 4817K


Jobless Claims ALLX (Feb 14)


Leading Indicators (Jan)

Survey 0.1%
Actual 0.4%
Prior 0.3%
Revised 0.2%


Leading Indicators ALLX (Jan)


Philadelphia Fed (Feb)

Survey -25.0
Actual -41.3
Prior -24.3
Revised n/a

Karim writes:

  • Philly Fed confirms Empire survey earlier this week that rate of decline in manufacturing is accelerating.
  • Headline activity, orders, shipments, and employment all fall sharply

Feb 2009 Jan 2009 Dec 2008 Nov 2008 Oct 2008 Sept 2008 Aug 2008 6 month avg
General Business Activity -41.3 -24.3 -36.1 -39.8 -38.7 1.9 -20.1 -29.7
Prices Paid -13.7 -27.0 -25.5 -26.6 10.2 32.5 53.0 -8.4
Prices Received -27.8 -26.2 -32.8 -11.3 5.0 15.1 25.1 -13.0
New Orders -30.3 -22.3 -28.2 -29.3 -30.6 3.8 -15.2 -22.8
Shipments -32.4 -16.7 -29.7 -19.3 -17.6 -1.3 -6.1 -19.5
# of Employees -45.8 -39.0 -28.6 -23.8 -19.2 -3.2 -4.6 -26.6


Philadelphia Fed TABLE 1 (Feb)


Philadelphia Fed TABLE 2 (Feb)


2009-02-18 USER

[Skip to the end]

ICSC UBS Store Sales WoW (Feb 10)

Survey n/a
Actual 0.90%
Prior 0.00%
Revised n/a


ICSC UBS Store Sales YoY (Feb 10)

Survey n/a
Actual -0.90%
Prior -1.80%
Revised n/a


Redbook Store Sales Weekly YoY (Feb 10)

Survey n/a
Actual -1.40%
Prior -1.70%
Revised n/a


Redbook Store Sales MoM (Feb 10)

Survey n/a
Actual 0.90%
Prior 0.70%
Revised n/a


ICSC UBS Redbook Comparison TABLE (Feb 10)


MBA Mortgage Applications (Feb 13)

Survey n/a
Actual 45.7%
Prior -24.5%
Revised n/a


MBA Purchasing Applications (Feb 13)

Survey n/a
Actual 257.30
Prior 235.90
Revised n/a


MBA Refinancing Applications (Feb 13)

Survey n/a
Actual 4472.90
Prior 2722.70
Revised n/a


Import Price Index MoM (Jan)

Survey -1.2%
Actual -1.1%
Prior -4.2%
Revised -5.0%

Karim writes:

  • Import prices -1.1% m/m and -12.5% y/y; -0.8% m/m ex-petroleum; imports from China -0.7% m/m (-0.5% and -0.7% prior 2mths)
  • [top][end]

    Import Price Index YoY (Jan)

    Survey -11.2%
    Actual -12.5%
    Prior -9.3%
    Revised -10.3%


    Import Price Index ALLX 1 (Jan)


    Import Price Index ALLX 2 (Jan)


    Housing Starts (Jan)

    Survey 529K
    Actual 466K
    Prior 550K
    Revised 560K

    Karim writes:

    Housing starts and building permits fall to all-time lows.

    • Starts -16.8% m/m (all 4 regions down) and -56.2% y/y; 3rd consecutive double digit m/m decline
    • Permits -4.8% m/m (all 4 regions down)
    • When adding the supply of vacant homes (over 1mm) to starts, excess supply (relative to new household formation and obsolesence) still exists and in turn downward pressure on home prices


    Building Permits (Jan)

    Survey 525K
    Actual 521K
    Prior 549K
    Revised 547K


    Industrial Production MoM (Jan)

    Survey -1.5%
    Actual -1.8%
    Prior -2.0%
    Revised -2.4%


    Industrial Production YoY (Jan)

    Survey n/a
    Actual -10.0%
    Prior -8.2%
    Revised n/a


    Capacity Utilization (Jan)

    Survey 72.4%
    Actual 72.0%
    Prior 73.6%
    Revised 73.3%


    Capacity Utilization TABLE 1 (Jan)


    Capacity Utilization TABLE 2 (Jan)


    Capacity Utilization TABLE 3 (Jan)


    2009-02-12 USER

    [Skip to the end]

    Advance Retail Sales MoM (Jan)

    Survey -0.8%
    Actual 1.0%
    Prior -2.7%
    Revised -3.0%

    Karim writes:

    • Retail sales rise 1% in January for first rise in 7mths.
    • December revised to down 3% from down 2.7%.
    • 3mth annualized rate of change improves from -25.5% to -24.3%.


    Advance Retail Sales YoY (Jan)

    Survey n/a
    Actual -9.7%
    Prior -10.5%
    Revised n/a


    Retail Sales Less Autos MoM (Jan)

    Survey -0.4%
    Actual 0.9%
    Prior -3.1%
    Revised -3.2%


    Initial Jobless Claims (Feb 7)

    Survey 610K
    Actual 623K
    Prior 626K
    Revised 631K

    Karim writes:

  • Initial claims drop 8k to 623k
  • [top][end]

    Continuing Claims (Jan 31)

    Survey 4800K
    Actual 4810K
    Prior 4788K
    Revised 4799K

    Karim writes:

    • Continuing claims rise 11k to new cycle high
    • Chicago Fed Prez Evans yesterday that further policy accommodation was needed


    Jobless Claims ALLX (Jan 31)


    Business Inventories MoM (Dec)

    Survey -0.9%
    Actual -1.3%
    Prior -0.7%
    Revised -1.1%


    Business Inventories YoY (Dec)

    Survey n/a
    Actual 0.9%
    Prior 2.9%
    Revised n/a
