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ICSC-UBS Store Sales Weekly Change (Jul 1)
Survey |
n/a |
Actual |
0.1 |
Prior |
-0.6 |
Revised |
n/a |
Muddling through as govt spending and fiscal rebates offer support.

Redbook Weekly YoY (Jul 1)
Survey |
n/a |
Actual |
2.9 |
Prior |
2.8 |
Revised |
n/a |
A bit better than expected and seem to be moving higher.

ICSC-UBS and Redbook TABLE (Jul 1)
Survey |
n/a |
Actual |
n/a |
Prior |
n/a |
Revised |
n/a |

ISM Manufacturing (Jun)
Survey |
48.5 |
Actual |
50.2 |
Prior |
49.6 |
Revised |
n/a |
Better than expected, headline looks better than the detail, but holding up well above recession levels.

ISM Prices Paid (Jun)
Survey |
87.0 |
Actual |
91.5 |
Prior |
87.0 |
Revised |
n/a |
Breaking out. Question is whether there’s any level of inflation that will trigger a fed rate hike if GDP and financial conditions (whatever that means) stay at current levels.

Karim writes:
- Not much change in headline or production/new order components.
- Most material changes in prices paid (up 4.5; to new cycle high) and employment (down 1.8; to new cycle low).
Kohn’s speech: tolerate higher unemployment and higher inflation.
- Based on continuing claims, conference board, and now ism, downside risk to -60k consensus for nfp on Thursday.
Weak, but not recession levels yet.
Government plus exports so far have made up for weak non-government domestic demand.

Construction Spending MoM (May)
Survey |
-0.6% |
Actual |
-0.4% |
Prior |
-0.4% |
Revised |
-0.1% |
A bit better than expected. Down but not terrible.

Construction Spending YoY (May)
Survey |
n/a |
Actual |
-6.0% |
Prior |
-5.1% |
Revised |
n/a |
Still near the lows, but a possible bottoming action.

ABC Consumer Confidence (Jun 29)
Survey |
n/a |
Actual |
-43 |
Prior |
-43 |
Revised |
n/a |
Still looking pretty grim, probably mostly due to higher prices.