2009-03-03 USER

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ICSC UBS Store Sales WoW (Mar 3)

Survey n/a
Actual -0.6%
Prior 0.6%
Revised n/a


ICSC UBS Store Sales YoY (Mar 3)

Survey n/a
Actual -0.8%
Prior -0.8%
Revised n/a


Redbook Store Sales MoM (Mar 3)

Survey n/a
Actual 0.8%
Prior 0.9%
Revised n/a


Redbook Store Sales MoM (Mar 3)

Survey n/a
Actual -1.9%
Prior -1.5%
Revised n/a

Redbook up two weeks in a row?


ICSC UBS Redbook Comparison TABLE (Mar 3)


Pending Home Sales MoM (Jan)

Survey -3.5%
Actual -7.7%
Prior 6.3%
Revised 4.8%


Pending Home Sales YoY (Jan)

Survey n/a
Actual -6.6%
Prior 5.7%
Revised n/a
