from a primary dealer

Preface. I generally subscribe to the view that in free currencies, deficits are mostly self-funding, and ‘enormous’ deficits needn’t be accompanied by higher yields. Government builds a bridge, pays the bridgebuilder, who pays the grocer, who eventually either buys the Treasury or deposits in a bank whose reserves are fungible vs T-bills via the intermediating Fed. Government dissavings and private sector savings are equal and offsetting, as long as the Central Bank has a working spreadsheet and an interest rate target. Yields are just a function of duration needs of savers vs borrowers, but the AMOUNTS always match up. Likewise, I don’t believe that the creation of bank reserves is inflationary or hyper-inflationary; bank lending is capital – not reserve – constrained. Loan officers don’t check the vaults. There is always enough. I continue to marvel at the armies of deficit vigilantes who take aim at Treasuries and JGBs, armed with Gold Standard thinking or even the latest Reinhart/Rogoff, only to retreat 2-3 year later. It didn’t work shorting US Treasuries in 2009-2010 for the ‘money supply’ or ‘deficit spike,’ and that roadside is stacked with corpses. Even the Home Run deficit vigilante hitters who nailed Europe this year (and Europe is, for now, operating as a quasi-Gold standard and an entirely different set of risks) offset those gains with losses betting the other way on the US, UK, and Japan. It’s evident in the returns.

DJ Greece, Creditors’ Deal Would Have Average 4%-4.2% Coupon On New Bonds

Wonder if the ‘New Bonds’ are Mosler bonds?

*DJ Greece, Creditors Close To Agreeing Step-Up Coupon Of Around 3.5%-4.6% -Source
*DJ Greece, Creditors’ Deal Would Have Average 4%-4.2% Coupon On New Bonds -Source
*DJ Greek Creditors’ Real Writedown Seen At 65%-70% Under Deal Terms -Source
*DJ Final Details On Greek Coupon Deal Still Under Discussion, May Change
*DJ Greece Creditors Deal Could Have Grace Period Of About 10 Yrs On Principal