2008-03-18 US Economic Releases

2008-03-18 Producer Price Index MoM

Producer Price Index MoM (Feb)

Survey 0.4%
Actual 0.3%
Prior 1.0%
Revised n/a

2008-03-18 PPI Ex Food & Energy MoM

PPI Ex Food & Energy MoM (Feb)

Survey 0.2%
Actual 0.5%
Prior 0.4%
Revised n/a

2008-03-18 Producer Price Index YoY

Producer Price Index YoY (Feb)

Survey 6.8%
Actual 6.4%
Prior 7.4%
Revised n/a

2008-03-18 PPI Ex Food & Energy YoY

PPI Ex Food & Energy YoY (Feb)

Survey 2.1%
Actual 2.4%
Prior 2.3%
Revised n/a

Troubling as the Fed has indicated it’s getting passed through to core CPI measures.

2008-03-18 Housing Starts

Housing Starts (Feb)

Survey 995K
Actual 1065K
Prior 1012K
Revised 1071K

More indications of a possible bottom in housing, meaning it won’t be subtracting as much from GDP for the rest of the year.

Karim Basta:

Housing starts fall 0.6% in Feb, but January revised higher by 5.8%.

One notable trend is single vs multi-family starts. The latter has now risen for 3 straight months, whereas the former continues to decline across most regions. A couple explanations out there-foreclosures, real income weakness driving trend towards apartments/condos vs homes.

Permits fall another 7.8%; suggesting more declines in housing contribution to GDP going forward.

Margin squeeze evident in PPI as headline rises 0.3% and core by 0.5%.

2008-03-18 Building Permits

Building Permits (Feb)

Survey 1020K
Actual 978K
Prior 1048K
Revised 1061K

Looking down, but the prior revision might be more relevant.

2008-03-18 FOMC Rate Decision

FOMC Rate Decision (Mar 18)

Survey 2.25%
Actual 2.25%
Prior 3.00%
Revised n/a

2008-03-18 ABC Consumer Confidence

ABC Consumer Confidence (Mar 16)

Survey n/a
Actual -31
Prior -30
Revised n/a

Yet another chart that may have bottomed?

2008-03-14 US Economic Releases

2008-03-14 Consumer Price Index MoM

Consumer Price Index MoM (Feb)

Survey 0.3%
Actual 0.0%
Prior 0.4%
Revised n/a

2008-03-14 CPI Ex Food & Energy MoM

CPI Ex Food & Energy MoM (Feb)

Survey 0.2%
Actual 0.0%
Prior 0.3%
Revised n/a

2008-03-14 Consumer Price Index YoY

Consumer Price Index YoY (Feb)

Survey 4.3%
Actual 4.0%
Prior 4.3%
Revised n/a

2008-03-14 CPI Ex Food & Energy YoY

CPI Ex Food & Energy YoY (Feb)

Survey 2.4%
Actual 2.3%
Prior 2.5%
Revised n/a

The calm during the storm.  March numbers are already being forecast at up 0.7% for headline CPI.

The individual components have been volatile.

Also, gasoline prices fell 2%.  Retail sales of gasoline was reported down 1% earlier this week.  Together this implies physical demand (gallons sold) went up.

2008-03-14 U. of Michigan Confidence

U. of Michigan Confidence (Mar P)

Survey 69.5
Actual 70.5
Prior 70.8
Revised n/a

2008-03-14 U. of Michigan TABLE

Current conditions improved, expectations fell.

Inflation expectations one year forward rose from 3.6% to 4.5% which complicates the Fed’s decision on Tuesday.  The 5 year number fell from 3.0% to 2.9% which is somewhat of an offset.

2008-03-13 US Economic Releases

2008-03-13 Import Price Index MoM

Import Price Index MoM (Feb)

Survey 0.8%
Actual 0.2%
Prior 1.7%
Revised 1.6%

2008-03-13 Import Price Index YoY

Import Price Index YoY (Feb)

Survey n/a
Actual 13.6%
Prior 13.7%
Revised 13.8%

2008-03-13 Import Prices Ex Petroleum YoY

Import Prices Ex Petroleum YoY

Survey n/a
Actual 4.5%
Prior 3.6%
Revised n/a

2008-03-13 Exports MoM

Exports MoM (Feb)

Survey n/a
Actual 0.9%
Prior 1.2%
Revised n/a

2008-03-13 Exports YoY

Exports YoY (Feb)

Survey n/a
Actual 6.8%
Prior 6.7%
Revised n/a

Inflation ripping via the ‘weak dollar’ channel.

Note: non-petroleum imports up 0.6%.

2008-03-13 Advance Retail Sales

Advance Retail Sales (Feb)

Survey 0.2%
Actual -0.6%
Prior 0.3%
Revised 0.4%

2008-03-13 Retail Sales Less Autos

Retail Sales Less Autos (Feb)

Survey 0.2%
Actual -0.2%
Prior 0.3%
Revised 0.5%

Retail sales soft, but not in collapse. That’s what an export economy looks like: domestic sales soft, while exports pick up the slack and support GDP, real terms of trade, and standards of living deteriorate.

2008-03-13 Initial Jobless Claims

Initial Jobless Claims (Mar 8)

Survey 357K
Actual 353K
Prior 351K
Revised 353K

Leveling off – nowhere near recession levels yet.

Would need to be 400K+.

2008-03-13 Continuing Claims since 1980

Continuing Claims (Mar 1)

Survey 2835K
Actual 2835K
Prior 2831K
Revised 2828K

Moving a bit higher, but still far below recession levels.

2008-03-13 Business Inventories

Business Inventories (Jan)

Survey 0.5%
Actual 0.8%
Prior 0.6%
Revised 0.7%

Up some, but still much lower than prior to other recessions.

2008-03-12 US Economic Releases

2008-03-12 MBAVPRCH Index


Survey n/a
Actual 368.8
Prior 363.1
Revised n/a

May be coming back after a winter weather lull.

2008-03-12 MBAVPRCH Index


Survey n/a
Actual 2448.2
Prior 2569.0
Revised n/a

Not all that much refinancing activity.

2008-03-12 Bloomberg Global Confidence

Bloomberg Global Confidence (Mar)

Survey n/a
Actual 13.08
Prior 14.34
Revised n/a

The whole world is watching CNBC.

2008-03-11 US Economic Releases

2008-03-11 Trade Balance TABLE

Trade Balance TABLE

2008-03-11 Exports YoY

Exports YoY

2008-03-11 Trade Balance

Trade Balance (Jan)

Survey -$59.5B
Actual -$58.2B
Prior -$58.8B
Revised -$57.9B

Exports up over 16.6% year over year (supports GDP) – looks like a banana republic!

Trade balance lower than expected with crude up to much. Should keep working it’s way lower all year as non residents work to reduce their rate of accumulation of USD financial assets.

IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism (Mar)

Survey 40.5
Actual 42.5
Prior 44.5
Revised n/a

Down, but a little bit better than expected.

2008-03-11 ABC Consumer Confidence

ABC Consumer Confidence (Mar 9)

Survey n/a
Actual -30
Prior -34
Revised n/a

Could that be a bounce back?  Haven’t seen one in so long can’t remember….

2008-03-07 US Economic Releases

2008-03-07 Change in Nonfarm Payrolls

Change in Nonfarm Payrolls (Feb)

2008-03-07 Change in Nonfarm Payrolls since 1980

Change in Nonfarm Payrolls since 1980

Survey 23K
Actual -63K
Prior -17K
Revised -22K

2008-03-07 Unemployment Rate

Unemployment Rate (Feb)

Survey 5.0%
Actual 4.8%
Prior 4.9%
Revised n/a

The longer term chart is definitely looking lower/weaker, but not yet at recession levels, and is not ‘population adjusted.’

This give the Fed no comfort regarding inflation concerns.

The output gap is may already too low to bring inflation down, and their forecasts are for a (modest) pickup in growth when the fiscal package kicks in beginning early May.

In their models, it’s the forecast of rising unemployment that is responsible for the slack that brings inflation back into comfort zones.

Today’s 4.8% unemployment number is a step in the wrong direction for that to happen.

2008-03-07 Change in Manufacturing Payrolls

Change in Manufacturing Payrolls (Feb)

Survey -25K
Actual -52K
Prior -28K
Revised -31K

Manufacturing employment falls indefinitely in a modern economy.

2008-03-07 Average Hourly Earnings MoM

Average Hourly Earnings MoM (Feb)

Survey 0.3%
Actual 0.3%
Prior 0.2%
Revised 0.3%

The Fed wants these to remain reasonably well-contained.

2008-03-07 Average Hourly Earnings YoY

Average Hourly Earnings YoY (Feb)

Survey 3.6%
Actual 3.7%
Prior 3.7%
Revised n/a

As above.

2008-03-07 Average Weekly Hours

Average Weekly Hours (Feb)

Survey 33.7
Actual 33.7
Prior 33.7
Revised n/a

Down a tad.

Coming soon!

Consumer Credit (Jan)

Survey $7.0B
Prior $4.5B


2008-03-06 US Economic Releases

2008-03-06 Initial Jobless Claims

Initial Jobless Claims (Mar 1)

Survey 360K
Actual 351K
Prior 373K
Revised 375K

So far staying near the 4 week average of about 360,000. While higher than before, this is no longer high enough for a large enough output gap to address the now elevated rate of inflation and upward creeping inflation expectations.

2008-03-06 Continuing Claims

Continuing Claims (Feb 23)

2008-03-06 Continuing Claims since 1985

Continuing Claims since 1985

Survey 2810K
Actual 2831K
Prior 2807K
Revised 2802K

This too, is far to low for an output gap that the Fed may deem necessary to bring down inflation. The longer term chart is more informative in this regard.

2008-03-06 Pending Home Sales MoM

Pending Home Sales MoM (Jan)

Survey -1.0%
Actual 0.0%
Prior -1.5%
Revised -1.2%

The last thing the Fed needs is for housing to pick up now and shrink the current output gap.
That would put them hundreds of basis points behind the inflation curve.

2008-03-06 Mortgage Delinquencies

Mortgage Delinquencies (4Q)

Survey n/a
Actual 5.82%
Prior 5.59%
Revised n/a

Mostly the sub prime buldge, but higher quality mtg delinquencies are up as well. Again, with higher inflation, the Fed needs a larger output gap.

2008-03-06 ICSC Chain Store Sales YoY

ICSC Chain Store Sales YoY (Feb)

Survey 0.6%
Actual 1.9%
Prior 0.5%
Revised n/a

Shows how domestic demand has been moderating over time, but not collapsing to recession levels.

2008-03-05 US Economic Releases

2008-03-05 MBA Mortgage Applications

MBA Mortgage Applications (Feb 29)

Survey n/a
Actual 3.0%
Prior -19.2%
Revised n/a

Refi’s bouncing back some.

2008-03-05 MBAVPRCH Index

MBAVPRCH Index (Feb 29)

Survey n/a
Actual 363.1
Prior 358.1
Revised n/a

This seems to be drifting lower with time.

Might be loss of market share to banks.

2008-03-05 MBAVREFI Index


Survey n/a
Actual 2569.0
Prior 2458.9
Revised n/a

As above.

2008-03-05 Challenger Job Cuts YoY

Challenger Job Cuts YoY (Feb)

Survey n/a
Actual -14.2%
Prior 19.1%
Revised n/a

Doesn’t show weakness in the labor markets other numbers show.

Doesn’t get much attention.

2008-03-05 APD Employment Change

ADP Employment Change (Feb)

Survey 18K
Actual -23K
Prior 130K
Revised 119K

Drifting lower over time.  May indicate payrolls are going to be in the 25,000 range.  On Friday the January number could be revised up and a low number reported for February.  This happened with the February report – December revised up quite a bit and January reported down.

2008-03-05 Nonfarm Productivity

Nonfarm Productivity (4Q F)

Survey 1.8%
Actual 1.9%
Prior 1.8%
Revised n/a

Seems to go with GDP.

2008-03-05 Unit Labor Costs

Unit Labor Costs (4Q F)

Survey 2.1%
Actual 2.6%
Prior 2.1%
Revised n/a

These are now moving up to more nearly match import prices, which functionally are unit labor costs as well as we’ve outsourced labor intensive content.

The Fed watches this closely as when it moves up the inflation cat is out of the bag.

2008-03-05 Factory Orders

Factory Orders (Jan)

Survey -2.5%
Actual -2.5%
Prior 2.3%
Revised 2.0%

As expected,  seems to be in a range.

2008-03-05 ISM Non-Manufacturing Composite

ISM Non-Manufacturing Composite (Feb)

Survey 47.3
Actual 49.3
Prior 44.6
Revised n/a

Low, but a bounce from last month, as I expected then.  Weak but not recession levels, and prices still too firm for comfort.