2008-08-25 US Economic Releases

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Existing Home Sales (Jul)

Survey 4.91M
Actual 5.00M
Prior 4.86M
Revised 4.85M


Existing Home Sales MoM (Jul)

Survey 1.0%
Actual 3.1%
Prior -2.6%
Revised -2.8%


Existing Home Sales YoY (Jul)

Survey n/a
Actual -13.2%
Prior -15.7%
Revised n/a


Existing Home Sales Inventory (Jul)

Survey n/a
Actual 4.669M
Prior 4.495M
Revised n/a


Existing Home Sales ALLX 1 (Jul)


Existing Home Sales ALLX 2 (Jul)


2008-08-21 US Economic Releases

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Initial Jobless Claims (Aug 16)

Survey 440K
Actual 432K
Prior 450K
Revised 445K

Still high, even though lower than expected and last week revised down some. It will take a while before the effect of the new extended benefit program is altering the numbers.


Continuing Jobless Claims (Aug 9)

Survey 3405K
Actual 3362K
Prior 3417K
Revised 3379K

Also lower than expected and last week revised down, But still high and not showing any meaningful signs of a top.


Jobless Claims TABLE 1 (Aug 16)


Jobless Claims TABLE 2 (Aug 16)


Philadelphia Fed (Aug)

Survey -12.6
Actual -12.7
Prior -16.3
Revised n/a

Still negative, but the rate of contraction seems to be declining.


Philadelphia Fed TABLE 1 (Aug)

Prices paid down some, but still way high.

Employment improved to near flat.


Philadelphia Fed TABLE 2 (Aug)

Workweek creeping up some.


Leading Indicators (Jul)

Survey -0.2%
Actual -0.7%
Prior -0.1%
Revised 0.0%

Worse than expected. This is a domestic demand indicator that has been trending down for quite a while.


Leading Indicators ALLX (Jul)

A lot of the specifics seem questionable regarding relevance.


2008-08-20 US Economic Releases

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MBA Mortgage Applications (Aug 15)

Survey n/a
Actual -1.5%
Prior -1.5%
Revised n/a


MBA Purchasing Applications (Aug 15)

Survey n/a
Actual 314.0
Prior 315.2
Revised n/a

Been flat for several weeks now.


MBA Refinancing Applications (Aug 15)

Survey n/a
Actual 1034.5
Prior 1074.6
Revised n/a

Still drifting lower.


MBA TABLE 1 (Aug 15)


MBA TABLE 2 (Aug 15)


MBA TABLE 3 (Aug 15)


MBA TABLE 4 (Aug 15)


2008-08-19 US Economic Releases

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ICSC-UBS Store Sales WoW (Aug 19)

Survey n/a
Actual 0.1%
Prior 1.1%
Revised n/a


ICSC-UBS Store Sales YoY (Aug 19)

Survey n/a
Actual 2.4%
Prior 2.6%
Revised n/a

Doing just fine, especially considering the financial sector is gone.


Redbook Store Sales Weekly YoY (Aug 19)

Survey n/a
Actual 1.3%
Prior 1.5%
Revised n/a


ICSC-UBS Redbook Comparison TABLE (Aug 19)


Producer Price Index MoM (Jul)

Survey 0.6%
Actual 1.2%
Prior 1.8%
Revised n/a

Up more than expected.


PPI Ex Food & Energy MoM (Jul)

Survey 0.2%
Actual 0.7%
Prior 0.2%
Revised n/a

Core nudging up a touch…


Producer Price Index YoY (Jul)

Survey 9.3%
Actual 9.8%
Prior 9.2%
Revised n/a

Just a little blip up that’s starting to make the 1970s look tame.


PPI Ex Food & Energy YoY (Jul)

Survey 3.2%
Actual 3.5%
Prior 3.0%
Revised n/a

Cute little break out here too.







Karim writes:

  • PPI for July up 1.2% and 0.7% ex-food and energy
  • Core driven by cars and trucks the past 2mths (seems out of line w/cpi data) and medical


Housing Starts (Jul)

Survey 960K
Actual 965K
Prior 1066K
Revised 1084K

A bit higher than expected, and last month revised up.

Averaging out the last couple of months or so to smooth the NY situation indicates a leveling off and probably a bottom.


Building Permits (Jul)

Survey 970K
Actual 937K
Prior 1091K
Revised 1138K

Down, but last month revised up. Same as above.


Housing Starts TABLE 1 (Jul)


Housing Starts TABLE 2 (Jul)


Housing Starts TABLE 3 (Jul)

Karim writes:

  • Starts fall 11% after upward revision to June (now up 10.4%)
  • Noise in data still surrounds multi-family due to change in NYC building code (multi-family dropped 23.6% after rising 41.3% in June)
  • Single family drops another 2.9% after 3.2% drop in June and now down 39.2% y/y
  • Same story with permits, down 17.7% m/m after 16.4% rise in June
  • Single family permits down 5.2% m/m after -3% in June and down 41.4% y/y
  • Multi-family down 32.4% m/m after up 52.2% m/m in June


ABC Consumer Confidence (Aug 17)

Survey -50
Actual -49
Prior -50
Revised n/a

very low, may be bottoming, confidence being hurt by inflation.


2008-08-18 US Economic Releases

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NAHB Housing Market Index (Aug)

Survey 16
Actual 16
Prior 16
Revised n/a

What has been looking like a bottom is now again softening, but it’s so low seems it will go mostly sideways before it goes up.






2008-08-15 US Economic Releases

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Empire Manufacturing (Aug)

Survey -4.0
Actual 2.8
Prior -4.9
Revised n/a

Yet another series that could be making a comeback, albeit from very low levels.

Even the work week went up.

Prices paid still way high, and prices received high and moved higher.


Empire Manufacturing ALLX (Aug)


Net Long-term TIC Flows (Jun)


Total Net TIC Flows (Jun)

Survey n/a
Actual $51.1B
Prior -$2.5B
Revised $12.3B

Should be slowing with trade flows reversing.










Industrial Production MoM (Jul)

Survey 0.0%
Actual 0.2%
Prior 0.5%
Revised 0.4%

A little better than expected.


Industrial Production YoY (Jul)

Survey n/a
Actual -0.1%
Prior 0.2%
Revised n/a

Certainly not a collapse.

Being helped by the relatively weak USD.


Capacity Utilization (Jul)

Survey 79.8%
Actual 79.9%
Prior 79.9%
Revised 79.8%

No collapse here either.

The Fed’s counting on slack to bring prices down.



Capacity Utilization TABLE 2 (Jul)


Capacity Utilization TABLE 3 (Jul)


U of Michigan Confidence (Aug P)

Survey 62.0
Actual 61.7
Prior 61.2
Revised n/a

This too looks like it has bottomed from very low levels.

‘Inflation’ still hurting confidence.


2008-08-14 US Economic Releases

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Consumer Price Index MoM (Jul)

Survey 0.4%
Actual 0.8%
Prior 1.1%
Revised n/a

Out of control, but if the recent commodity sell off holds headline will moderate some for awhile. Lots of pass-throughs and cost push forces in place.


CPI Ex Food & Energy MoM (Jul)

Survey 0.2%
Actual 0.3%
Prior 0.3%
Revised n/a


Consumer Price Index YoY (Jul)

Survey 5.1%
Actual 5.6%
Prior 5.0%
Revised n/a

The Fed has to be concerned that the 2% FF rate is way too accommodative, especially with Q2 GDP no forecast at over 3% and Q3 looking like 2%.


CPI Ex Food & Energy YoY (Jul)

Survey 2.4%
Actual 2.5%
Prior 2.4%
Revised n/a

Could be headed much higher as cost push pass-throughs starting to register.


CPI Core Index SA (Jul)

Survey n/a
Actual 216.230
Prior 215.526
Revised n/a


Consumer Price Index NSA (Jul)

Survey 219.075
Actual 219.964
Prior 218.815
Revised n/a








Initial Jobless Claims (Aug 9)

Survey 435K
Actual 450K
Prior 455K
Revised 460K

Up, but confused by new extended benefits.


Continuing Jobless Claims (Aug 2)

Survey 3310K
Actual 3417K
Prior 3311K
Revised 3303K

Not looking good either, but how bad can it actually be with GDP north of 3%?


Jobless Claims TABLE 1 (Aug 9)


Jobless Claims TABLE 2 (Aug 9)


2008-08-13 US Economic Releases

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MBA Mortgage Applications (Aug 8)

Survey n/a
Actual -1.5%
Prior 2.8%
Revised n/a

Muddling through on the low side as mortgage bankers lose market share to banks.


MBA Purchasing Index (Aug 8)

Survey n/a
Actual 315.2
Prior 315.2
Revised n/a

Flat at low levels.

May do better as the seasonal adjustments get easier.


MBA Refinancing Index (Aug 8)

Survey n/a
Actual 1074.6
Prior 1121.8
Revised n/a

Slowing, as bulk of resets are past and rates are doing nothing.


MBA ALLX 1 (Aug 8)


MBA ALLX 2 (Aug 8)


Bloomberg Global Confidence (Aug)

Survey n/a
Actual 14.10
Prior 10.30
Revised n/a

Low, but improving.


Import Price Index MoM (Jul)

Survey 1.0%
Actual 1.7%
Prior 2.6%
Revised 2.9%

Scary stuff if you are responsible for the value of the currency.


Import Price Index YoY (Jul)

Survey 20.4%
Actual 21.6%
Prior 20.5%
Revised 21.1%

‘Inflation’ flooding in through the open window.


Import Price Index ALLX 1 (Jul)


Import Price Index ALLX 2 (Jul)

Karim writes:

Import prices continue uptrend

  • Headline +1.7% m/m; ex-petroleum up 0.9% m/m

Yes and ex petro 8% year over year and still rising. And this takes time to pass through to core CPI.

  • Expect headline to be below core for the next few mths though

Yes, if gasoline stays down.

But rental vacancies took a small turn down, and owner equivalent rent already printed a 0.3%, and seems with starts so far down there has to be a shortage of actual units available to live in. Also, lots of catching up to do in other core measures, like medical and others which had some prints on the low side.

All of their costs are rising and push up prices with various lags.

And Russia has demonstrated they can do whatever they want and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

Not good…


Advance Retail Sales MoM (Jul)

Survey -0.1%
Actual -0.1%
Prior 0.1%
Revised 0.3%

Down some as expected due to weak car sales, but prior month revised up.

Sometimes if people don’t buy cars they buy other things…


Advance Retail Sales YoY (Jul)

Survey n/a
Actual 2.6%
Prior 3.4%
Revised n/a

Still looks to be moving off a bottom.


Retail Sales Less Autos MoM (Jul)

Survey 0.5%
Actual 0.4%
Prior 0.8%
Revised 0.9%

Looks okay, a tenth below expectations but prior month revised up the same tenth.


Retail Sales Less Autos YoY (Jul)

Survey n/a
Actual 6.0%
Prior 6.4%
Revised n/a

Looking reasonably firm.


Advance Retail Sales ALLX (Jul)

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 8:54 AM, Karim writes:

Retail sales generally weak but in line with expectations

  • Headline -0.1% m/m; ex-gas -0.2% m/m; ex-autos +0.4%; control group +0.3%
  • Rebate checks did trickle in through July so some help from there
  • Looks like real PCE off to flat start in Q3, perhaps explaining Fisher’s remark yesterday that ‘we will broach zero growth’ in the second half of the year

The FOMC now has a multi year history of underestimating GDP and inflation.

Seems with Q2 GDP now looking like 3% or more, and the first half therefore averaging maybe over 2%, and year over year gdp still pushing 3%, they would either adjust or downgrade their GDP forecasting model.

Same with their inflation forecasting model, as cpi moves through 5% and core elevates from levels not long ago forecast at not a lot more than half that.

Looking more and more like the real economy did bottom in Q4 2007, as private forecasters are now starting to project positive gdp for Q3 and Q4, and some for Q1 2009 as well.

And even if the saudis keep crude at current levels core cpi should continue to march higher for many more quarters as it all catches up to the shift from $20 crude to $100+ crude.

Yes, the financial sector continues to have issues, may severe, but blood is flowing around the clot as the real economy moves forward.

Housing starts peaked in the early 1970s at 2.6 million with only 215 million people and no secondary market or housing agencies- just a bunch of dumb s and l’s taking in deposits and making mortgages (is used to work at one back then).

Today with 50% more people we call 2 million units gangbusters.

The financial innovation is all predatory at the macro level, though at the micro level we’d grown dependent on it for sure.

Yes, US exports are reducing foreign GDP growth, but their are signs they are moving to support domestic demand with fiscal measures, including Japan, the UK, and even some talk from the eurozone, and even china announced lower inflation numbers to justify supporting growth.

And Saudi crude output shows no sign of world net supply going up. Current price action just some kind of massive ‘inventory adjustment’.

Yes, that can change but hasn’t yet.


Business Inventories MoM (Jun)

Survey 0.5%
Actual 0.7%
Prior 0.3%
Revised 0.4%

3% Q2 GDP means more inventory is needed.

Also, this and previous inventory data for June higher than expected which means Q2 might be revised up that much more as very low inventory levels were estimated with the initial 1.9% release for Q2 GDP.


Business Inventories YoY (Jun)

Survey n/a
Actual 5.6%
Prior 5.3%
Revised n/a

Not the usual recession pattern.

The real sector seems well managed.

The financial sector is another story. They don’t count mbs inventory, for example, in this series…


Business Inventories TABLE 1 (Jun)


Business Inventories TABLE 2 (Jun)


2008-08-12 US Economic Releases

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ICSC-UBS Store Sales WoW (Aug 12)

Survey n/a
Actual -1.1%
Prior 0.0%
Revised n/a


ICSC-UBS Store Sales YoY (Aug 12)

Survey n/a
Actual 2.6%
Prior 2.9%
Revised n/a

Year over year looking fine.


Redbook Store Sales Weekly YoY (Aug 12)

Survey n/a
Actual 1.5%
Prior 3.5%
Revised n/a

Softer but no collapse.


ICSC-UBS Redbook Comparisson TABLE (Aug 12)


Trade Balance (Jun)

Survey -$62.0B
Actual -$56.8B
Prior -$59.8B
Revised -$59.2B

Lower than expected and moving lower even with crude prices up in June.

I still think last months number was too high which is part of the reason for the June drop.


Exports MoM (Jun)

Survey n/a
Actual 4.0%
Prior 1.2%
Revised n/a

Government and exports continue to support GDP.

Q2 now looking to be revised to maybe north of 3%.


Imports MoM (Jun)

Survey n/a
Actual 1.8%
Prior 0.3%
Revised n/a

Up due to crude and gasoline prices.


Exports YoY (Jun)

Survey n/a
Actual 21.1%
Prior 18.2%
Revised n/a

Looking more like an export economy every day. Weak domestic consumption and ok employment.

Workers earn enough to drive to work and eat, and the rest of their output gets exported to someone else.


Imports YoY (Jun)

Survey n/a
Actual 13.5%
Prior 12.5%
Revised n/a

Mostly petro and product prices.

Other imports are down.


Trade Balance ALLX (Jun)

Ex petro down to about 20 billion.


IBD-TIPP Economic Optimism (Aug)

Survey 39.0
Actual 42.8
Prior 37.4
Revised n/a

Up some, but less than expected.


Monthly Budget Statement (Jul)

Survey -$95.0B
Actual -$102.8B
Prior -$36.4B
Revised n/a

Government spending and exports supporting GDP more than most anticipate.


Monthly Budget Statement ALLX (Jul)


ABC Consumer Confidence (Aug 10)

Survey n/a
Actual -50
Prior -49
Revised n/a

Bumping along the bottom.

Inflation hurting confidence as wages remain ‘well contained’.


ABC Consumer Confidence ALLX (Aug 10)


2008-08-08 US Economic Releases

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Nonfarm Productivity QoQ (2Q P)

Survey 2.5%
Actual 2.2%
Prior 2.6%
Revised n/a

GDP gains are coming from productivity as hours worked decline.


Nonfarm Productivity TABLE 1 (2Q P)


Nonfarm Productivity TABLE 2 (2Q P)


Unit Labor Costs QoQ (2Q P)

Survey 1.4%
Actual 1.3%
Prior 2.2%
Revised 2.5%

Better than expected due to productivity increases.

If the USD stays strong, it could help import prices moderate as well.


Unit Labor Costs ALLX (2Q P)

Karim writes:

Productivity based on hours, not employment; so we should see productivity in q2 of about 3.5% vs gdp of 1.9%.

Right, makes sense. More output from fewer workers and fewer hours is keeping GDP positive (and that much demand, which includes demand for exports, is supporting prices) even as labor markets soften.

Same as in prior 2 qtrs as hours were cut more aggressively than employment>Q4 gdp was -0.2% and productivity was +0.9%: Q1 GDP of 0.9% and productivity of 2.4%


Wholesale Inventories MoM (Jun)

Survey 0.6%
Actual 1.1%
Prior 0.8%
Revised 0.9%

Higher than expected. Might mean upward Q2 GDP revision.


Wholesale Inventories YoY (Jun)

Survey n/a
Actual 9.5%
Prior 8.8%
Revised n/a

With all the talk of weakness, increased inventories are most likely due to increased order flow.


Wholesale Inventories ALLX 1 (Jun)


Wholesale Inventories ALLX 2 (Jun)
