Review of today’s government actions

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Two ‘bailouts’ today, the Fed asset purchase program and Citibank:

Comments on the asset purchase program:
Major theme- the answer to the housing and automobile issue is consumers with enough income to be able to afford their mortgage payments and car payments along with expanding employment prospects to ensure the ability to repay in full over time.

The Fed’s function is to set the interest rate. This is all in the realm of monetary policy. Income adjustment at the macro level is a function of fiscal policy.

Specifically on the securities purchase announcement:
They finally got it right – the Fed purchases the financial assets, not the treasury. The TARP should have been a Fed operation.

What the fed does is set interest rates. It’s about the price of money, not quantity of money.

Buying agency collateral will lower the interest rates on agency mortgages. It does not ‘pump in money’ or anything like that.

Buying other collateral will lower interest rates for those types of lending.

This is what ‘monetary policy’ is all about – setting interest rates in the economy, and not quantity adjustments.

This does not directly add to the demand for mortgages or the demand for other loans.

It does lower interest rates for those loans with the hope that the lower interest rates increase borrowing to spend on houses, cars, and other purchases.

They could have done this a year ago before it became a crisis with no ill effects if there was no crisis.

Letting the crisis happen first did not serve public purpose.

This foot dragging due primarily to not fully understanding the fundamentals of monetary operations has contributed to the crisis.

While this ‘top down’ approach does improve the operations of the financial sector, it does not give them what they fundamentally need, which is borrowers with sufficient incomes to make their payments, aka declining delinquency rates.

This is directly achievable by the likes of a payroll tax holiday where the treasury makes all FICA contributions, or direct spending via revenue sharing to the states for their operating budgets and infrastructure projects.

Comments on the Citibank bailout:
What they did right is break the pattern of taking 79.9% of any remaining shareholder equity, which has meant the government has been the hand of death for shareholders. There is enough risk priced into stocks with that questionable addition.

What they did wrong is complicate matters by doing more than buying a sufficiently large preferred equity position to accomplish exactly what the rest of the relatively complex package accomplished.

This was probably done to minimize usage of funds allocated under the TARP.

They are also perhaps starting to acknowledge that a substantial part of Citibank’s difficulties are due to the failure of government to sustain reasonable levels of output and employment.

Assets that were not problems a year ago have become problems today as the economy has deteriorated due to a lack of aggregate demand.

This might be a good first step towards government fessing up and taking responsibility for the collateral damage of its own fiscal and monetary policies, and stop blaming the victims by putting them to death when they require assistance. In fact, if I were Obama I would take this approach.

The government already gets 30% of all earnings through the corporate income tax. If they want more, they can raise that tax rather than demand a percentage of the outstanding shares.


2008-11-26 USER

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Karim writes:

Lots of numbers today- none of them real good.

MBA Mortgage Applications (Nov 21)

Survey n/a
Actual 1.5%
Prior -6.2%
Revised -6.2%


MBA Purchasing Applications (Nov 21)

Survey n/a
Actual 261.60
Prior 248.50
Revised n/a

Up a bit from very low levels.


MBA Refinancing Applications (Nov 21)

Survey n/a
Actual 1254.00
Prior 1281.20
Revised n/a


Durable Goods Orders (Oct)

Survey -3.0%
Actual -6.2%
Prior 0.8%
Revised -0.2%

Big fall.

Karim writes:

  • -6.2% m/m
  • -4% m/m ex-aircraft and defense (after -3.2% and -2.3% prior two months)


Durable Goods Orders YoY (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual -11.7%
Prior -2.5%
Revised n/a

Big fall in a longer term down trend.


Durables Ex Transportation MoM (Oct)

Survey -1.6%
Actual -4.4%
Prior -1.1%
Revised -2.3%

Not good either.


Durables Ex Defense MoM (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual -4.6%
Prior -1.8%
Revised n/a


Durable Goods ALLX (Oct)


Personal Income MoM (Oct)

Survey 0.1%
Actual 0.3%
Prior 0.2%
Revised 0.1%

Income has held up better than expected.

And the consumer has deleveraged substantially.


Personal Income YoY (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual 3.3%
Prior 3.2%
Revised n/a

Looking lower.

Will get a nice kick up with the coming fiscal adjustment.


Personal Income ALLX (Oct)


Personal Consumption MoM (Oct)

Survey -1.0%
Actual -1.0%
Prior -0.3%
Revised n/a

Consumption falling even as income continues to increase.

The consumer is recharging his batteries.


Personal Consumption YoY (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual 2.3%
Prior 3.5%
Revised n/a


PCE Deflator YoY (Oct)

Survey 3.3%
Actual 3.2%
Prior 4.2%
Revised 4.1%

Down some and more weak numbers to come, but the longer term trend still looks up.


PCE Core MoM (Oct)

Survey 0.0%
Actual 0.0%
Prior 0.2%
Revised n/a


PCE Core YoY (Oct)

Survey 2.2%
Actual 2.1%
Prior 2.4%
Revised 2.3%

Higher than expected but down some, and more weak numbers on the way, but still at the high end of the Fed’s comfort zone.


Initial Jobless Claims (Nov 22)

Survey 535K
Actual 529K
Prior 542K
Revised 543K

Remains very high.

Karim writes:

  • Initial claims only decline 14k to 529k after 80k rise in prior 4 weeks
  • Similar bounce with continuing, drop of 54k to 3962k (had risen 295k in prior 3 weeks)


Continuing Claims (Nov 15)

Survey 4080K
Actual 3962K
Prior 4012K
Revised 4016K

Off the highs but remain very high.


Jobless Claims ALLX (Nov 22)


Univ. of Michigan Confidence (Nov F)

Survey 57.5
Actual 55.3
Prior 57.9
Revised n/a

Back through the lows.

Karim writes:

  • New low for headline confidence, from 57.9 to 55.3
  • 5yr fwd inflation expectations unchanged at 2.9


New Home Sales (Oct)

Survey 441K
Actual 433K
Prior 464K
Revised 457K

Still sliding.

Karim writes:

  • -5% m/m
  • Mths supply rise from 10.9 to 11.1


New Home Sales Total for Sale (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual 381.00
Prior 414.00
Revised n/a

Maybe this is why sales are falling- no new homes left for sale!

Falling sharply.


New Home Sales MoM (Oct)

Survey -5.0%
Actual -5.3%
Prior 2.7%
Revised 0.7%


New Home Sales YoY (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual -40.1%
Prior -34.1%
Revised n/a

Might be leveling off at very low levels.


New Home Sales Median Price (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual 218.00
Prior 221.70
Revised n/a

Prices falling but not collapsing.


New Home Sales TABLE 1 (Oct)


New Home Sales TABLE 2 (Oct)


2008-11-25 USER

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Karim writes:

  • Overlooked with the Fed headlines, but likely to lead to further downward revisions to Q4/Q1 growth outlook.

ICSC UBS Store Sales YoY (Nov 25)

Survey n/a
Actual -0.80%
Prior -0.10%
Revised n/a

Looking very soft, even with low gasoline prices.


ICSC UBS Store Sales WoW (Nov 25)

Survey n/a
Actual -0.90%
Prior 0.30%
Revised n/a


Redbook Store Sales Weekly YoY (Nov 25)

Survey n/a
Actual -1.40%
Prior -0.90%
Revised n/a



Redbook Store Sales MoM (Nov 25)

Survey n/a
Actual -1.30%
Prior -1.10%
Revised n/a


Karim writes:

  • Johnson Redbook sales down 1.3% m/m thru 3rd week of November.
  • Another negative retail sales month sets up Q4 real GDP for at least -4%


ICSC UBS Redbook Comparison TABLE (Nov 25)


GDP QoQ Annualized (3Q P)

Survey -0.5%
Actual -0.5%
Prior -0.3%
Revised n/a

As expected and in line with the longer term down trend in real gdp growth

Good evidence of a continuing and increasing lack of aggregate demand.


GDP YoY Annualized Real (3Q P)

Survey n/a
Actual 0.7%
Prior 2.1%
Revised n/a

Mildly positive but the trend is still looking down.


GDP YoY Annualized Nominal (3Q P)

Survey n/a
Actual 3.4%
Prior 4.1%
Revised n/a

Barely positive.


GDP Price Index (3Q P)

Survey 4.2%
Actual 4.2%
Prior 4.2%
Revised n/a

High but expected to fall with falling commodity prices.


Core PCE QoQ (3Q P)

Survey 2.9%
Actual 2.6%
Prior 2.9%
Revised n/a

Looks to be in a long term uptrend, though also expected to fall with commodity prices.






S&P Case Shiller Home Price Index (Sep)

Survey 163.00
Actual 161.56
Prior 164.57
Revised 164.40

Took a turn for the worse.

Karim writes:

  • Case Shiller down 1.85% q/q and -17.4% y/y


S&P CS Composite 20 YoY (Sep)

Survey -16.90%
Actual -17.40%
Prior -16.62%
Revised -16.60%


S&P Case Shiller US Home Price Index (3Q)

Survey n/a
Actual 150.04
Prior 155.32
Revised 155.45


S&P Case Shiller US Home Price Index YoY (3Q)

Survey -17.05%
Actual -16.55%
Prior -15.40%
Revised -15.07%


Consumer Confidence (Nov)

Survey 38.0
Actual 44.9
Prior 38.0
Revised 38.8

Tiny blip up- well above expectations.


Consumer Confidence ALLX 1 (Nov)


Consumer Confidence ALLX 2 (Nov)


Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index (Nov)

Survey -27
Actual -38
Prior -26
Revised n/a

Far worse than expected, more in line with Q4 GDP forecasts of -4%.


Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index ALLX (Nov)


House Price Index MoM (Sep)

Survey -0.7%
Actual -1.3%
Prior -0.6%
Revised -0.8%

Also falling like a rock.


House Price Index YoY (Sep)

Survey n/a
Actual -7.0%
Prior -6.1%
Revised n/a

No sign of turning around yet.


House Price Index ALLX (Sep)


House Price Purchase Index QoQ (3Q)

Survey n/a
Actual -1.8%
Prior -1.4%
Revised n/a

The decline has resumed.


2008-11-24 USER

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Existing Home Sales (Oct)

Survey 5.00M
Actual 4.98M
Prior 5.18M
Revised 5.14M

Down a bit but not through the lows as foreclosure sales continue.


Existing Home Sales MoM (Oct)

Survey -3.5%
Actual -3.1%
Prior 5.5%
Revised 4.7%


Existing Home Sales YoY (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual -1.6%
Prior 0.6%
Revised n/a

Down a bit but still off the lows as foreclosure sales continue.


Existing Home Sales Inventory (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual 4.234
Prior 4.272
Revised n/a

Starting to make progress as actual inventories decline.


Existing Home Sales ALLX 1 (Oct)


Existing Home Sales ALLX 2 (Oct)


2008-11-20 USER

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Initial Jobless Claims (Nov 15)

Survey 505K
Actual 542K
Prior 516K
Revised 515K



Continuing Claims (Nov 8)

Survey 3900K
Actual 4012K
Prior 3897K
Revised 3903K



Jobless Claims ALLX (Nov 15)


Philadelphia Fed (Nov)

Survey -35.0
Actual -39.3
Prior -37.5
Revised n/a

Deep into recession levels.


Philadelphia Fed TABLE 1 (Nov)


Philadelphia Fed TABLE 2 (Nov)


Leading Indicators (Oct)

Survey -0.6%
Actual -0.8%
Prior 0.3%
Revised 0.1%

Keeps heading lower.


Leading Indicators ALLX (Oct)


2008-11-19 USER

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MBA Mortgage Applications (Nov 14)

Survey n/a
Actual -6.2%
Prior 11.9%
Revised n/a


MBA Purchasing Applications (Nov 14)

Survey n/a
Actual 248.50
Prior 284.40
Revised n/a

Back down big time.


MBA Refinancing Applications (Nov 14)

Survey n/a
Actual 1281.20
Prior 1248.40
Revised n/a


Consumer Price Index MoM (Oct)

Survey -0.8%
Actual -1.0%
Prior 0.0%
Revised n/a

Not much of a surprise led by gasoline prices. More to come.


CPI Ex Food and Energy MoM (Oct)

Survey 0.1%
Actual -0.1%
Prior 0.1%
Revised n/a

Lower than expected. Owner equivalent remains positive at up 0.1%.


Consumer Price Index YoY (Oct)

Survey 4.0%
Actual 3.7%
Prior 4.9%
Revised n/a

Coming down quickly with the fall in gasoline prices, much like Aug 06 when Goldman changed their commodity index and triggered a liquidation of gasoline inventories.

Karim writes:

  • Largest single mthly fall on record in headline CPI: -0.961%
  • Core also falls, by 0.071%
  • Service inflation now unchanged for 2 straight months
  • OER up 0.1%
  • Apparel -1%, vehicles -0.7% (new -0.5%, used -2.4%)
  • Medical care and education each up 0.2%
  • Market strains + output gap + weaker commodities to lead to falling/slowing inflation in period ahead


CPI Ex Food and Energy YoY (Oct)

Survey 2.4%
Actual 2.2%
Prior 2.5%
Revised n/a

Also moving down.


CPI Core Index SA (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual 216.801
Prior 216.956
Revised n/a


Consumer Price Index NSA (Oct)

Survey 216.700
Actual 216.573
Prior 218.783
Revised n/a


Consumer Price Index TABLE 1 (Oct)


Consumer Price Index TABLE 2 (Oct)


Consumer Price Index TABLE 3 (Oct)


Housing Starts (Oct)

Survey 780K
Actual 791K
Prior 817K
Revised 828K

Looking grim again after showing signs of bottoming.

Karim writes:

  • October housing starts down another 4.5% and permits down 12%-contribution from housing to GDP will remain a significant drag at least thru Q2 2009 (based on lag from permits to construction).


Building Permits (Oct)

Survey 774K
Actual 708K
Prior 786K
Revised 805K


2008-11-18 USER

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ICSC UBS Store Sales YoY (Nov 18)

Survey n/a
Actual -0.10%
Prior 0.40%
Revised n/a

Bending but not breaking, yet. Gasoline prices probably helping.


ICSC UBS Store Sales WoW (Nov 18)

Survey n/a
Actual 0.30%
Prior -1.00%
Revised n/a


Redbook Store Sales Weekly YoY (Nov 18)

Survey n/a
Actual -0.90%
Prior -1.00%
Revised n/a

Looking weak as well.


Redbook Store Sales MoM (Nov 18)

Survey n/a
Actual -1.10%
Prior -1.20%
Revised n/a


ICSC UBS Redbook Comparison TABLE (Nov 18)


Producer Price Index MoM (Oct)

Survey -1.9%
Actual -2.8%
Prior -0.4%
Revised n/a

Way lower than expected.


PPI Ex Food and Energy MoM (Oct)

Survey 0.1%
Actual 0.4%
Prior 0.4%
Revised n/a

Way higher than expected.


Producer Price Index YoY (Oct)

Survey 6.2%
Actual 5.2%
Prior 8.7%
Revised n/a

Still high but falling rapidly.


PPI Ex Food and Energy YoY (Oct)

Survey 4.0%
Actual 4.4%
Prior 4.0%
Revised n/a

Still moving higher.


2008-11-17 USER

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Empire State Manufacturing Survey (Nov)

Survey -26.00
Actual -25.43
Prior -24.62
Revised n/a

Remains depressed.


Empire State Manufacturing Survey ALLX 1 (Nov)


Empire State Manufacturing Survey ALLX 2 (Nov)


Industrial Production MoM (Oct)

Survey 0.2%
Actual 1.3%
Prior -2.8%
Revised -3.7%

Routine bounce back of a volatile series.


Industrial Production YoY (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual -4.1%
Prior -5.7%
Revised n/a


Capacity Utilization (Oct)

Survey 76.5%
Actual 76.4%
Prior 76.4%
Revised 75.5%


Capacity Utilization TABLE 1 (Oct)


Capacity Utilization TABLE 2 (Oct)


Capacity Utilization TABLE 3 (Oct)


2008-11-14 USER

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Import Price Index MoM (Oct)

Survey -4.4%
Actual -4.7%
Prior -3.0%
Revised -3.3%

Decelerating rapidly!


Import Price Index YoY (Oct)

Survey 8.2%
Actual 6.7%
Prior 14.5%
Revised 13.6%

Decelerating rapidly!

Karim writes:

Price pressures continue to fall sharply:

  • Import prices -4.7% m/m; -0.9% m/m ex-petroleum; yr/yr slows from 13.6% to 6.7%
  • Prices of industrial supplies -25.1% over past 3mths
  • Import prices from China -0.3% over past 2mths


Import Price Index ALLX 1 (Oct)


Import Price Index ALLX 2 (Oct)


Advance Retail Sales (Oct)

Survey -2.1%
Actual -2.8%
Prior -1.2%
Revised -1.3%

This is a severe dropoff!

Karim writes:

Largest ever monthly drop in U.S. retail sales:

  • -2.8% m/m headline, -2.2% ex-autos, -1.5% ex-gas (prior mth headline revised from -1.2% to -1.3%)
  • 3mth annualized rate of change in headline now at -10.9%; yr/yr change -3.3%


Advance Retail Sales YoY (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual -4.1%
Prior -1.1%
Revised n/a

Looks very bad!


Advance Retail Sales TABLE 1 (Oct)


Advance Retail Sales TABLE 2 (Oct)


Advance Retail Sales TABLE 3 (Oct)


Retail Sales Less Autos (Oct)

Survey -1.2%
Actual -2.2%
Prior -0.6%
Revised -0.5%



Business Inventories MoM (Sep)

Survey -0.1%
Actual -0.2%
Prior 0.3%
Revised 0.2%

Interesting drop- not recession like at all.


Business Inventories YoY (Sep)

Survey n/a
Actual 5.5%
Prior 6.3%
Revised n/a


2008-11-13 USER

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MBA Mortgage Applications (Nov 7)

Survey n/a
Actual 11.9%
Prior -20.3%
Revised n/a


MBA Purchasing Applications (Nov 7)

Survey n/a
Actual 260.90
Prior 303.10
Revised n/a

Up some, but still very low.


MBA Refinancing Applications (Nov 7)

Survey n/a
Actual 1075.40
Prior 1489.40
Revised n/a


MBA TABLE 1 (Nov 7)


MBA TABLE 2 (Nov 7)


MBA TABLE 3 (Nov 7)


MBA TABLE 4 (Nov 7)


Trade Balance (Sep)

Survey -$57.0B
Actual -$56.5B
Prior -$59.1B
Revised n/a

Slowly falling as crude prices came down.

Karim writes:

  • Trade deficit improves from -59.1bn to -56.5 bn,
  • BUT, real trade balance actually worsened by about 3bn due to underlying price moves (so negative impact on real GDP)
  • Also, exports down 6% m/m and imports down 5.6% m/m


Exports MoM (Sep 8)

Survey n/a
Actual -6.0%
Prior -1.7%
Revised n/a

Exports and imports (below) down as world economy slows.


Imports MoM (Sep 8)

Survey n/a
Actual -5.6%
Prior -2.2%
Revised n/a


Exports YoY (Sep 8)

Survey n/a
Actual 8.8%
Prior 16.3%
Revised n/a

Exports and imports (below) still up year over year but probably not for long.


Imports YoY (Sep 8)

Survey n/a
Actual 6.9%
Prior 13.6%
Revised n/a


Trade Balance ALLX (Sep)


Initial Jobless Claims (Nov 8)

Survey 480K
Actual 516K
Prior 481K
Revised 484K

In to recession territory as expected.

Karim writes:

These are truly awful numbers

  • Initial claims rise from 484k (revised up from 480k) to new cycle high of 516k
  • Continuing claims rise from 3832k (revised down from 3843k) to new cycle high of 3897k
  • These reflect step-up in layoffs and continued lack of hiring


Continuing Claims (Nov 1)

Survey 3825K
Actual 3897K
Prior 3843K
Revised 3832K

Moving into recession levels as expected.


Jobless Claims ALLX (Nov 8)
