2008-12-15 USER

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Empire State Manufacturing Survey (Dec)

Survey -28.00
Actual -25.76
Prior -25.43
Revised n/a


Empire State Manufacturing Survey ALLX 1 (Dec)


Empire State Manufacturing Survey ALLX 2 (Dec)


Net Long Term TIC Flows (Oct)

Survey $40.0B
Actual $1.5B
Prior $66.2B
Revised $65.4B


Total Net TIC Flows (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual $286.3B
Prior $143.4B
Revised $142.6B










Industrial Production MoM (Nov)

Survey -0.8%
Actual -0.6%
Prior 1.3%
Revised 1.5%


Industrial Production YoY (Nov)

Survey n/a
Actual -5.5%
Prior -4.5%
Revised n/a


Capacity Utilization (Nov)

Survey 75.6%
Actual 75.4%
Prior 76.4%
Revised 76.0%


Capacity Utilization TABLE 1 (Nov)


Capacity Utilization TABLE 2 (Nov)


Capacity Utilization TABLE 3 (Nov)


2008-12-12 USER

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Producer Price Index MoM (Nov)

Survey -2.0%
Actual -2.2%
Prior -2.8%
Revised n/a


PPI Ex Food and Energy MoM (Nov)

Survey 0.1%
Actual 0.1%
Prior 0.4%
Revised n/a


Producer Price Index YoY (Nov)

Survey 0.2%
Actual 0.4%
Prior 5.2%
Revised n/a


PPI Ex Food and Energy YoY (Nov)

Survey 4.2%
Actual 4.2%
Prior 4.4%
Revised n/a


Advance Retail Sales MoM (Nov)

Survey -2.0%
Actual -1.8%
Prior -2.8%
Revised -2.9%


Advance Retail Sales YoY (Nov)

Survey n/a
Actual -7.4%
Prior -4.6%
Revised n/a


Retail Sales Less Autos MoM (Nov)

Survey -1.8%
Actual -1.6%
Prior -2.2%
Revised -2.4%


Business Inventories MoM (Oct)

Survey -0.2%
Actual -0.6%
Prior -0.2%
Revised -0.4%


Business Inventories YoY (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual 4.6%
Prior 5.4%
Revised n/a


University of Michigan Confidence (Dec P)

Survey 54.5
Actual 59.1
Prior 55.3
Revised n/a


University of Michigan TABLE Inflation Expectations (Dec P)


2008-12-11 USER

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Trade Balance (Oct)

Survey -$53.5B
Actual -$57.2B
Prior -$56.5B
Revised -$56.6B


Exports MoM (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual -2.2%
Prior -6.4%
Revised n/a


Imports MoM (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual -1.3%
Prior -5.7%
Revised n/a


Exports YoY (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual 5.3%
Prior 8.6%
Revised n/a


Imports YoY (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual 4.2%
Prior 6.8%
Revised n/a


Trade Balance ALLX (Oct)


Import Price Index MoM (Nov)

Survey -4.9%
Actual -6.7%
Prior -4.7%
Revised -5.4%


Import Price Index YoY (Nov)

Survey -2.0%
Actual -4.4%
Prior 6.7%
Revised 5.7%


Import Price Index ALLX 1 (Nov)


Import Price Index ALLX 2 (Nov)


Initial Jobless Claims (Dec 6)

Survey 525K
Actual 573K
Prior 509K
Revised 515K


Continuing Jobless Claims (Dec 15)

Survey 4100K
Actual 4429K
Prior 4087K
Revised 4091K


Jobless Claims ALLX (Dec 6)


2008-12-10 USER

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MBA Mortgage Applications (Dec 5)

Survey n/a
Actual -7.1%
Prior 112.1%
Revised n/a


MBA Purchasing Applications (Dec 5)

Survey n/a
Actual 298.10
Prior 361.10
Revised n/a


MBA Refinancing Applications (Dec 5)

Survey n/a
Actual 3767.30
Prior 3802.80
Revised n/a


Wholesale Inventories MoM (Oct)

Survey -0.2%
Actual -1.1%
Prior -0.1%
Revised -0.4%


Wholesale Inventories YoY (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual 8.0%
Prior 9.3%
Revised n/a


Wholesale Inventories ALLX 1 (Oct)


Wholesale Inventories ALLX 2 (Oct)


2008-12-09 USER

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ICSC UBS Store Sales YoY (Dec 9)

Survey n/a
Actual -0.70%
Prior 1.30%
Revised n/a


ICSC UBS Store Sales WoW (Dec 9)

Survey n/a
Actual -0.80%
Prior 0.10%
Revised n/a


Redbook Store Sales Weekly YoY (Dec 9)

Survey n/a
Actual -0.80%
Prior -0.40%
Revised n/a


Redbook Store Sales MoM (Dec 9)

Survey n/a
Actual -0.40%
Prior -1.10%
Revised n/a


ICSC UBS Redbook Comparison TABLE (Dec 9)


Pending Home Sales MoM (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual -0.7%
Prior -4.3%
Revised n/a


Pending Home Sales YoY (Oct)

Survey n/a
Actual -0.6%
Prior 7.9%
Revised n/a


EU News Highlights 12-01-08

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With no sign of a meaningful response, and, worse yet, no safe channel to get it done even if they wanted to, systemic risk in the eurozone continues to escalate.


European Manufacturing Contracts More Than Estimated
German Retail Sales Drop as Recession Damps Spending
Spanish Manufacturing Contracted at Record Pace in November
ECB to Cut Benchmark Rate 1/2 Point, Economists’ Survey Shows
EU’s Barroso Sees Right Conditions For ECB Rate Cut
Italy approves economic aid, boost for banks
European Government Bonds Gain on Signs Slump Is Deepening


2008-12-02 USER

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ICSC UBS Store Sales YoY (Dec 2)

Survey n/a
Actual 1.30%
Prior -0.80%
Revised n/a


ICSC UBS Store Sales WoW (Dec 2)

Survey n/a
Actual 0.10%
Prior -0.90%
Revised n/a


Redbook Store Sales Weekly YoY (Dec 2)

Survey n/a
Actual -0.40%
Prior -1.40%
Revised n/a


Redbook Store Sales MoM (Dec 2)

Survey n/a
Actual -1.10%
Prior -1.30%
Revised n/a


ICSC UBS Redbook Comparison TABLE (Dec 2)


EU Inflation Rate Drops to 2.1%

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Another tenth and the ECB will hit it’s inflation target for the first time since inception!

That’s why they called this the ‘beneficial recession.’

Just in time for year end performance bonuses…


Europe Inflation Rate Drops Most in Almost Two Decades to 2.1%
Trichet Says Stability, Growth Pact Must Be Fully Respected


2008-12-01 USER

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ISM Manufacturing (Nov)

Survey 37.0
Actual 36.2
Prior 38.9
Revised n/a

Major plunge. In line with the general economic climate.


ISM Prices Paid (Nov)

Survey 32.0
Actual 25.5
Prior 37.0
Revised n/a

Another big drop as commodities continue to fall.


Construction Spending MoM (Oct)

Survey -1.0%
Actual -1.2%
Prior -0.3%
Revised 0.0%

Down more than expected.
