> (email exchange)
> On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 10:37 AM, wrote:
> It’s not worthy of any comment, other than to show that even the Fed doesn’t
> understand its own operations:
“These constraints will discourage institutions from lending their reserve balances as they continue to work to stabilize their operations.”
> Banks don’t lend from their reserve balances. That’s a fact. How can you take someone
> seriously when they get an elementary fact like that wrong? Banks DO NOT use reserve
> balances to create loans. They create loans and deposits simultaneously out of thin
> air. They use reserve balances to settle payments or meet reserve requirements ONLY.
> If a bank is short reserve balances for either of these purposes, the Fed provides an
> overdraft AUTOMATICALLY at a stated penalty rate, which the bank then clears via the
> money markets or the cheapest alternative. Whether banks in the aggregate hold $1 or
> $1 trillion in reserve balances, there operational ability to create loans is the
> same . . . infinite! (Though the creation of even 1 loan requires a willing,
> credit-worthy borrow in the first place, of course.)