Problem is, none of them recognize imports are real benefits, exports real costs, so even when they are right it’s for the wrong reason.
Senate rejects move to kill ‘Buy American’ clause, but softens provision
Feb 4 (CBC) — Senate rejects move to kill ‘Buy American’ clause, but softens provision
The U.S. Senate rejected an amendment put forward by Republican Senator John McCain to strip the “Buy American” provision from the huge U.S. stimulus bill while agreeing to soften the language that had given rise to concerns of pending trade wars.
McCain’s amendment had stated that the “utilization of funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this act shall not be subject to any ‘Buy American’ requirement.” It was voted down 65 to 31 on Wednesday night.
The Senate, however, agreed to water down the language to include a requirement that indicates international trade agreements cannot be violated as a result of the “Buy American” provision.