Import Price Index MoM (Feb)
Survey |
0.8% |
Actual |
0.2% |
Prior |
1.7% |
Revised |
1.6% |

Import Price Index YoY (Feb)
Survey |
n/a |
Actual |
13.6% |
Prior |
13.7% |
Revised |
13.8% |

Import Prices Ex Petroleum YoY
Survey |
n/a |
Actual |
4.5% |
Prior |
3.6% |
Revised |
n/a |

Exports MoM (Feb)
Survey |
n/a |
Actual |
0.9% |
Prior |
1.2% |
Revised |
n/a |

Exports YoY (Feb)
Survey |
n/a |
Actual |
6.8% |
Prior |
6.7% |
Revised |
n/a |
Inflation ripping via the ‘weak dollar’ channel.
Note: non-petroleum imports up 0.6%.

Advance Retail Sales (Feb)
Survey |
0.2% |
Actual |
-0.6% |
Prior |
0.3% |
Revised |
0.4% |

Retail Sales Less Autos (Feb)
Survey |
0.2% |
Actual |
-0.2% |
Prior |
0.3% |
Revised |
0.5% |
Retail sales soft, but not in collapse. That’s what an export economy looks like: domestic sales soft, while exports pick up the slack and support GDP, real terms of trade, and standards of living deteriorate.

Initial Jobless Claims (Mar 8)
Survey |
357K |
Actual |
353K |
Prior |
351K |
Revised |
353K |
Leveling off – nowhere near recession levels yet.
Would need to be 400K+.

Continuing Claims (Mar 1)
Survey |
2835K |
Actual |
2835K |
Prior |
2831K |
Revised |
2828K |
Moving a bit higher, but still far below recession levels.

Business Inventories (Jan)
Survey |
0.5% |
Actual |
0.8% |
Prior |
0.6% |
Revised |
0.7% |
Up some, but still much lower than prior to other recessions.