Durable goods, pending home sales, personal income and spending, consumer credit

Back to 2018 levels with lots lost during the dip:

Still drifting lower:

Another round of Federal checks hit last month:

The economy is generating less personal income than pre covid and fading:

Some of the increased income was saved:

Some was spent, but consumption has still not fully recovered:

Consumer borrowing to spend has shifted lower:

Consumer sentiment, unemployment claims, housing starts, lumber, retail sales, industrial production

Alarmingly high this long after the crisis and no longer moving lower:

Seems ‘on average’ it’s hard to say much has changed:

Though this looks promising:

Tariffs and Covid related supply issues are commonplace:

Nice move up after the move down, but still looking net lower than otherwise for the last 12 months due to the crisis:

Back towards prior levels but still way down overall for the last year: