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US Economic Releases

MBA Mortgage Applications (Aug 29)
Survey |
n/a |
Actual |
7.5% |
Prior |
0.5% |
Revised |
n/a |

MBA Purchasing Applications (Aug 29)
Survey |
n/a |
Actual |
349.0 |
Prior |
315.9 |
Revised |
n/a |
Nice to see this picking up. With agencies sorted out and income holding up, it should continue to improve over time.

MBA Refinancing Applications (Aug 29)
Survey |
n/a |
Actual |
1059.7 |
Prior |
1038.0 |
Revised |
n/a |

MBA TABLE 1 (Aug 29)

MBA TABLE 2 (Aug 29)

MBA TABLE 3 (Aug 29)

MBA TABLE 4 (Aug 29)

Challenger Job Cuts YoY (Aug)
Survey |
n/a |
Actual |
11.7% |
Prior |
140.8% |
Revised |
n/a |
This series hasn’t been all that useful one way or another.

Challenger Job Cuts TABLE 1 (Aug)

Challenger Job Cuts TABLE 2 (Aug)

Challenger Job Cuts TABLE 3 (Aug)

Challenger Job Cuts TABLE 4 (Aug)

Challenger Job Cuts ALLX (Aug)

ICSC-UBS Store Sales WoW (Sep 2)
Survey |
n/a |
Actual |
0.1% |
Prior |
0.2% |
Revised |
n/a |

ICSC-UBS Store Sales YoY (Sep 2)
Survey |
n/a |
Actual |
2.2% |
Prior |
2.3% |
Revised |
n/a |
Looks okay. No recession here.

Redbook Store Sales Weekly YoY (Sep 2)
Survey |
n/a |
Actual |
2.3% |
Prior |
1.9% |
Revised |
n/a |
Looks okay.

ICSC-UBS Redbook Comparison TABLE (Sep 2)

Factory Orders MoM (Jul)
Survey |
1.0% |
Actual |
1.3% |
Prior |
1.7% |
Revised |
2.1% |
Better than expected and previous month revised up.

Factory Orders YoY (Jul)
Survey |
n/a |
Actual |
5.3% |
Prior |
7.5% |
Revised |
n/a |
Could be construed as being in an uptrend!

Factory Orders ALLX (Jul)

Domestic Vehicle Sales (Aug)
Survey |
9.4M |
Actual |
10.4M |
Prior |
9.1M |
Revised |
n/a |
Even this has turned up, though from very low levels.

Total Vehicle Sales (Aug)
Survey |
13.0M |
Actual |
13.7M |
Prior |
12.5M |
Revised |
n/a |
Better than expected and may have bottomed. As the mix of vehicles produces switches, expect sales to increase.

Vehicle Sales ALLX (Aug)