Re: Fed study on TAF

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>    On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 4:05 AM, Andrea wrote:
>    In case you haven’t seen this yet: A Fed study that finds that
>    Taf has lowered Libor.

right, thanks, as if they needed to fund a study to figure that out!

It’s like doing a study that shows the repo rate goes down when the fed lowers its ‘stop’ on repo.

(Too bad they didn’t use this study to show they should set a rate for the TAF and let quantity float, instead of setting a quantity and having an auction.)

It’s this kind of expense that gives govt. a govt. spending negative connotation.

all the best!



2008-07-25 Weekly Credit Graph Packet

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A touch higher last week, but still seems to be working its way lower.

IG On-the-run Spreads (Jul 25)


IG6 Spreads (Jul 25)


IG7 Spreads (Jul 25)


IG8 Spreads (Jul 25)


IG9 Spreads (Jul 25)


( Commercial Paper + C&I ) * Outstanding

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Summation of Commercial Paper Outstanding AND Combined Commercial and Industrial Loans Outstanding

Combined commercial and industrial loans and commercial paper show a leveling off after the initial drop.

Back in mid 2006, I remember commenting that I thought the government deficit was no longer high enough (given everything else that was going on) to support the credit structure.

The last push up was largely a product of fraudulently obtained sub prime and Alt-A loans.


2008-07-21 Weekly Credit Graph Packet

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Looks and feels like spreads will be generally narrowing for a considerable period of time.

Bank earnings are better than expected with revenues growing nicely.

GDP, income, and spending being sustained by a growing government budget deficit, exports, and housing leveling off and no longer subtracting from growth.

‘Inflation’ continues with Saudi’s supporting prices and pass-throughs intensifying.

IG On-the-run Spreads (Jul 18)


IG6 Spreads (Jul 18)


IG7 Spreads (Jul 18)


IG8 Spreads (Jul 18)


IG9 Spreads (Jul 18)



2008-07-14 Weekly Credit Graph Packet

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IG On-the-run Spreads (Jul 14)


IG6 Spreads (Jul 14)


IG7 Spreads (Jul 7)


IG8 Spreads (Jul 14)


IG9 Spreads (Jul 14)

First Bear Stearns, and now the agencies confirm the government is there to ‘write the check’; so, I expect credit spreads to continue to narrow over time.


2008-07-07 Weekly Credit Graph Packet

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IG On-the-run Spreads (Jul 7)


IG6 Spreads (Jul 7)


IG7 Spreads (Jul 7)


IG8 Spreads (Jul 7)


IG9 Spreads (Jul 7)

Still working its way higher.


2008-06-16 Weekly Credit Graph Packet

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IG On-the-run Spreads

IG6 Spreads

IG7 Spreads

IG8 Spreads

IG9 Spreads

The wiggles down give the Fed comfort that markets are functioning to price risk.
